Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Most Popular Alcohol Brands Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Most Popular Alcohol Brands - Assignment Example According to the research findings, priority 1 is ensuring that the consumers have full access to the information about the brands, both new and existing ones. Action Step: Hanging advertisement posters, displays and any other relevant information about the quality of the unpopular brands. Objective: To persuade as many customers as possible to taste and continue buying the unpopular alcohol brands. Priority 2: Ensuring full participation of staff and senior management in enhancing sales of the unpopular brand. Action step: Educating the entire staff about marketing and promotional activities. Objective: To create a competitive team that will promote high sales from inside the store to the alcohol market. Priority 3: Pricing, marketing strategies, and time of this operation. Action step: Ã Conduct market research about the prevailing alcohol prices and set a cheaper price for the product. Develop the marketing strategies and determining the period that the whole exercise will take.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Soap Operas Essay Example for Free
Soap Operas Essay Soap operas use issues from everyday lives to attract an audience. In this study I will be researching the issues and topics from which soap operas create storylines, for example marriage, divorce, death and teen pregnancy. I will look at the way different soaps look at these issues from various perspectives because the hypothesis is that the soap Coronation street will tackle issues in a more older perspective but the soap Hollyoaks will tackle issues in a younger view. Audiences have many reasons why they watch soap operas. Escapism is a big reason; people choose to watch soaps to look lives other than their own. It helps viewers to see that their lives may not be as bad as the characters on television. In addition, sometimes people need to fantasise about the good things in life, and it gives them hope that it might happen to them. Soap operas also make audiences feel happy and enjoy the storylines, they get involved in whats happening, so they watch more and more. Every soap opera needs an audience: without an audience there would be no need for soap operas, so their job is to make sure they keep their audience interested. Soap Operas have to keep them interested by writing storylines on everyday issues, similar to those which audiences have to deal with in their own lives. These issues help people to consider what to do if they need to deal with them. Soaps look at these issues differently, in different ways, in different environments, and with different ages, in order to react to reach their target audience. Looking at Coronation Street and Hollyoaks, both have completely different settings and characters. Coronation Streets is the longest running television soap opera. The first episode was released in 1965, 40 years ago. It is set in Manchester, Weatherfield in fictional industrial town, it has a middle and lower class setting for that particular audience. It is aimed at middle and lower class people because that is the biggest population in that area, as upper class are just a minority group. The programme is broadcast at either 19. 30 or 20. 30, 5 times a week. This is when families get home from work and sit down and relax in front of the television together. But the target audience are more late teens to old pensioners. So with this type of audience issues need to cover different ages, to interest different generations; children, teenagers, parents, and grandparents, but also both genders and Coronation Street try to cover this. On the other hand Hollyoaks is set in Chester; it was first begun in 1995. It is broadcast at 18. 30 5 days a week and with an omnibus on Sunday at 9. 15. This is called the Hangover Zone, the morning after a Saturday night, most people that occur in this zone tend to be 18- 30 years old so again the issues need to cover for this range of audience. The Omnibus is significant because teenagers and older people may miss the episodes in the week as it is at 6. 30 when people are still at work. The soap is at 18. 30, this is a time when older people are still at work or travelling home so the soap needs to tackle issues very differently because it looks at young teens young adults rather than the older generation. However some people do not consider the show to be a serious drama when compared with the bigger soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street, partly due to its reputation for hiring numerous attractive, blonde, ratings-grabbing actresses. The settings of both soaps are very different too. Coronation Street is set in a traditional street with a corner shop, a pub, a very local neighbourly place where everyone knows everyone and their business this is where all the conflict comes in, and the audience become familiar with the characters. Whereas Hollyoaks, Chester is a bigger setting of a village not just a street. It includes a pub, a shop, a nightclub, a school and most important a university. The characters are mostly young and beautiful, so there is many two faced people, where most of the conflict happens. Looking at different characters from both soaps, you see how different some characters are and some similarities there are. Two characters a have been looking at are coronation streets Sally Webster and Hollyoaks new character Kathy Barnes. Both characters are mothers of two teenage girls, and push their girls into doing things that they want, not what their daughters want. Sally Webster is a very pushy person who always wants things to go her way. A big story line recently is between her and her14 year old daughter Rosie. After finding out her daughter was sleeping with boyfriend Craig Harris, Sally forces Rosie to take the morning after pill, she also insists that Rosie and Craig split up. Being teenagers, they disobey and continue to stay together without Sally or husband Kevin Webster knowing. This storyline is very dramatic and covers an issue which concerns a lot of parents today. As an audience you see different views of the parents and the children and it shows a way of dealing with this kind of issue, or not choosing this way of dealing with the issue in the way characters have. Both Sally and Kathy have similar roles being parents of two girls and wanting the best for them. Kathys recent storyline in Hollyoaks has shown similar way of wanting the best for her children. She has recently been pushing her daughter into training extremely hard at swimming. Daughter Sarah loves her swimming but her mum has been making her hobby into something she doesnt want to do. This storyline may show people that pushing your child hard into doing something can push them away from you. This shows that even though both soaps are very different they still have similar storylines and characters. This is because of the audience, even though the audiences are slightly different they both use these storylines towards the younger audiences and both soaps deal with everyday issues and both have shown this. Another two characters I have been looking at are soap star Leanne Battersby and Mandy Hutchinson. Both characters are a similar age but live two very different lives. Leanne is a troublesome girl. Ever since she was a teenager she was mouthy and still hasnt changed. She has been married but that ended and she has also been in the wrong crowds, fleeing coronation street but returning in 2004. She then got into a relationship with newcomer Jamie Baldwin but later started sleeping with his father Danny behind his back. After him finding out and leaving Leanne she is now in a relationship with Danny Baldwin and trying to still be devious and ruin peoples lives. Comparing Leanne to Hollyoaks character Mandy Hutchinson, we can see that she is quite the opposite. Mandy is wife to Tony and mother to Antonia. Mandy owns the nightclub The Loft and with her degree in business studies from HCC, she and Tony own a lot of businesses in Hollyoaks. In the past, Mandy has been with many different guys and with the loss of her father, brother, mother and step father, she became quite alone but with the help of her husband Tony she is now back on her feet with her own new family. Even though both characters are the same age they lead very different live. Audiences see both soaps very differently in the different actors for both soaps. Some people do not consider Hollyoaks to be a serious drama when compared with the bigger soaps such as Eastenders and Coronation Street, partly due to its reputation for hiring numerous attractive, blonde, ratings-grabbing actresses.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Toni Morrisons Beloved: Not a Story to be Passed On Essay -- Toni Mor
Toni Morrison's Beloved: Not a Story to be Passed On Beloved, Toni Morrison's Nobel Prize winning novel, is a masterfully written book in which the characters must deal with a past that perpetually haunts them.à This haunting, in the form of a twenty year old ghost named Beloved, not only stalks them in the spirit, but also in the flesh.à Beloved, both in story and in character hides the truth in simple ways and convinces those involved that the past never leaves, it only becomes part of who they are.à This contortion of truth does not allow any character to escape.à Each one hides and runs from the brutality of slavery, yet cannot escape it's heritage.à Set in the post-Civil War era of the rural Ohio back roads, each protagonist faces the fact that through Beloved's return they must deal with the ties of the past and the prosperity of the future.à And after dealing with those memories that don't let them go, they can move on with their lives.à Beloved, the ghostly character, drives this story of Sethe, Denver, and Paul D. to an exploding end of triumph and unity. The story of Sethe is taken from a true story of aà woman who did escape from slavery only to be caught by her past.à In Morrison's own words in an interview with Gloria Naylor, she concedes that Sethe is an intriguing character taken from a true account: à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à à I had an idea that I didn't know was a book idea. . . .à à One was a newspaper clipping about a woman named à à à à à à à Margaret Garner in 1851.à It said that the Abolitionists made a great deal out of her case because she had escaped from à à à à à à à Kentucky with her four children.à She had run off into a little woodshed right outside her house to kill them because she à à à à à à à had been caugh... ...Toni Morrison's Novels.à à University of Georgia Press: Athens, 1993. Lacan, Jaques.à The Purloined Letter.à Trans. Jeffery Mahlman.à Baltimore:à Johns Hopkinsà University Press, 1988. Morrison, Toni.à Beloved.à New York, Penguin Books USA Inc, 1988. Schmidt, R. G.à Hearing, Calling, and Naming: Aspects of NOMMO in Toni Morrison'sà Beloved. Web. 5 May 2015.,%20Calling%20and%20Naming%20%20Aspects%20of%20NOMMO%20in%20Toni%20Morrison%27s%20BELOVED.html Taylor-Guthrie, Dannille, ed.à Conversations With Toni Morrison.à Jackson:à University Pressà of Mississippi, 1994. Teish, Luisan.à Jambalaya, The Natural Woman's Book.à San Francisco; Harper Collinsà Publishers, 1988. "Slavery, Ghosts, and Beloved: Crash Course Literature 214." John Green, Editor Crash Course. N.p., 29 May 2014. Web. 17 April 2015.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Ancient Egypt vs. Mesopotamia Essay
The Egyptian and Mesopotamian societies are two of the oldest civilizations in the history of the world. The Egyptian and Mesopotamian political, social, and cultural parts of their lives developed differently, but there is a similar basis between the two. Although they had similar political systems in that they both were ruled by kings, the way they viewed their kings and the way that they both constructed their power differed. Both civilizations constructed their social classes similarly in that they had kings at the top, followed by other officials and merchants, and at the bottom the slaves and peasants. They both had their own form of writing; Mesopotamia had cuneiform, and Egypt had hieroglyphics and cursive script, respectively. While they are similar in many different political, social, and cultural activities and ideas, they have enough contrast to be viewed as different societies. Politically, because they were geographically open to envision, Mesopotamia culture created compact self-governing political units- the city-states. By the third millennium B.C.E. the concept of king (lugal) developed, quite possibly because of increased quarrels over resources. The power of religious leaders decreased as the power of kings increased. And although the kings took over control of temples, Mesopotamian kings did not claim divine power. Political changes occurred in Mesopotania because of the succession of people that followed the initial Sumerian people, like the Akkadians, the Kassites Medes and Persians who established their temporary political dominance. By 1750 B. C. E., the written law code of King Hammurabi, was used to maintain political authority and continuity.In sharp contrast is the continuity of political history in ancient Egypt. Legendary King Menes united Upper and Lower Egypt into one nation that lasted with continuity of culture from 3,100-1070 B. C. E. with thirty dynasties. Unlike Mesopotamian kings, the Egyptian king was represented as Horus and as the son of Re, and fit into the pattern of the dead returning to life and the climatic renewing life of the sun-god. As Egyptââ¬â¢s chief priest, he intervened with the gods on behalf of his people and land. No written law code was developed in Egypt. The pharaoh governed the country through a large efficient bureaucracy. In highly urbanized Mesopotamia, specialization of function, centralization of power, and use of written records enabled certain groups to amass unprecedented wealth. Women could own property, maintain control of their dowry, and even engage in trade but men monopolized political life. Some women worked outside the home in textile factories, breweries or as prostitutes, tavern keepers, bakers, or fortune tellers. Inside the home women grew wove baskets, had vegetable gardens, cooked, cleaned, and fetched water. For the most part, their writings reflect *elite male activities. Temple leaders and the kings controlled large agricultural estates, and the palace administration collected taxes from subjects. The lowest class of people tended the fields and used their strength in the off-season to build large public works like ziggarets. Women were subordination to men and had no property rights. In Mesopotamia by the second millennium B. C. E. merchants had gained in status and in power th rough gilds. In the Old Babylonian period, the class of people who were not dependent on the temple or palace grew, the amount of land and other property in private hands increased, and free laborers became more common. The Mesopotamian civilization had 3 social classes: 1. free landowning class- royalty, high-ranking officials, warriors, priests, merchants, and some artisans and shopkeepers; 2. the class of dependent farmers and artisans, whose legal attachment to royal or temple, or private estates made them the primary rural work force; and 3. the class of slaves, primarily used in domestic service. Egyptian class structure was less defined and more pyramid in shape. Compared to Mesopotamia, a far larger percentage of the Egyptian population lived in farming villages and Egyptââ¬â¢s wealth derived from a higher degree from cultivating the land. When not need for agriculture the peasants labored to build the tombs of the pharaoh. Slavery existed on a limited scale and was of limited economic significance. In contrast to Mesopotamia, Egyptian merchants had a low social status. For women subordination to men is evident but they are represented with dignity and affection in tomb paintings. Legal documents show that Egyptian women could own property, inherit from their parents, and will their property to whomever they wished. Marriage, usually monogamous, arose from a coupleââ¬â¢s decision to establish a household together rather than for legal or religious ceremony. Both parties could dissolve the relationship, and women retained rights over her dowry in case of divorce. In ge neral, the limited evidence suggests that women in ancient Egypt enjoyed greater respect and more legal rights and social freedom than women in Mesopotamia and other ancient societies. Despite some initial inspiration, Egyptian culture separated itself from Mesopotamia in a number of ways beyond politics and monument building. The Egyptians did not take to the Sumerian cuneiform alphabet and developed a hieroglyphic alphabet instead. Hieroglyphics, though more pictorial than Sumerian cuneiform, were based on simplified pictures of objects abstracted to represent concepts or sounds. As in Mesopotamia the writing system was complex, and its use was, for the most part, monopolized by the powerful priestly caste. Heiroglyphics were written on papyrus paper while cuneiform was written on clay tablets with a blunt reed called a stylus. Like Egyptian hieroglyphs, cuneiform was written in both rows and columns although cuneiform was only written from left to right. The Egyptian and Mesopotamian societies were very similar in many aspects of their lives. They both developed two of the earliest forms of writing in hieroglyphics and cuneiform, with both forms differing greatly from each other. They also contained strikingly similar social classes and structures, as with many other civilizations. They were both ruled by ââ¬Å"kingsâ⬠, but many parts of their political system were drastically different due to the way that they were constructed and administered. Egyptian civilization and a fundamental Mesopotamian culture lasted far longer than the civilizations that came later, in part because of relative isolation within each respective region and because of the deliberate effort to maintain what had been achieved, rather than experiment widely.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Project Planning, Execution, and Closure Essay
Premise As the project manager in charge of IRTCââ¬â¢s new endeavor of upgrading their legacy billing system one of the most crucial tasks in which I have to accomplish in this function is to build a team of worthy professionals. As we know the people we work with can either be a value to a program or at time a detriment; therefore as a project manager, it is extremely important to hire the right talent at the right price. We have to keep in mind while talent is important, itââ¬â¢s even more important to hire personnel that will coalesce effectively in all manners pertaining to the crucial work. Without synergy from the team, the project manager is taking unnecessary risk that may impede reaching benchmarks thus ultimately risking the ability to meet requirements. Along with many other tasks, the project manager has to hire competent individuals and align these individuals to roles that are best suited for the project. The IRTC billing system project has budgetary limitations, the budget for the project must be managed so that the best value is created for the lowest cost. The contract allows 2.5 full time employees but requires three positions to be filled for the role as the end user, business analyst and team leader, thus the common sense approach would be to create two dual hated positions that can perform at least two or more roles. I recognizing that the IRTC billing system project will be best suited for two multi-talented FTEs, therefore, I am strongly considering Chris and Terry for the End used, business analyst and team leader positions. Terry would be a great fit for the team leader and business analyst position, while Chris would be a perfect fit for the software tester and end user position. What does a business analyst do? The roles of the business analyst will vary from company to company. In theory the ideal Business analyst should be versatile in numerous functions related to business; the business analyst does not have to be a master in these functions, a general knowledge will suffice, enough knowledge to see trends and recognize superfluous factors that may have adverse effects on those function. A business analyst should have knowledge in finance, engineering, computer hardware architecture, operations, finance, engineering and technology. Business analysts typically serve as the liaisons which will bridge the individual departments within an organization together throughout the various phases within the developmental process. The following are core skills and functions of business analyst, as dictated by an article from Villanova University: Business analyst will works all the departments within a business to isolate prospects for enhancements in business operations and processes. Business anal ysts are usually included in the modification and strategy/design of IT systems or business systems. The analyst interacts with the business stakeholders and subject matter experts in order to understand their problems and needs. The business analyst and the project manager are usually close based on the fact that the business analyst will have to familiar with documents pertaining to the project and usually analyzes business needs and requirements being created by the project manager. Business analyst are usually involved in all aspect of the new project, a big part of their role is to solve business problems, come with business solutions technical issues that warrant such measures. A big part of a business analyst role is to documents technical design and functionality of the new system. Business analyst seldom works together with developers and system architects to ensure that proper integration of the system being worked on. A business analyst might aid in tests for the system being developed and part of his tasks in this function may be to produce user manuals and documentation for the system. In retrospect to the various tasks of the business analyst Terry would fit perfect within that roles. Terry has business analyst experience already and Terry attitude toward the work is positive. What does a team leader do? The team leaderââ¬â¢s role and functions are directly related to the team members; hence various employees are hired by the project manager because of their knowledge and expertise. The team leaderââ¬â¢s is hired to effectively coordinate those team mates. Nonetheless, the team leader should be familiar with organization processes and have a good report with various stakeholders. The team leader should be the liaison between the team and act as a moderator between the individual team members and the project manager. He or she should have constant interaction with the team as to gather pertinent information so as to improve processes. The team leader is usually in charge or may act as the schedule keeper and record keeper during the various stages development. The team leader must build and maintain a good relationship with the sponsor, as he or she will have constant interaction the both the sponsor and stakeholders. Lastly, the team leader may play a part in the selection of n ew team members. The team leader is a role for a project, the person in that role may have other functions within the organization, and therefore that person must learn to manage his various roles accordingly to be effective. states that part of the role the team leader is to develop strategy, communicate the vision, serve the team, remain calm, and make decisions. Terry would be exemplary in the team lead position. I have worked in program where the business analyst and team position are one of the same, being fulfilled by one person. What is an end user? The best way to describe an end user is to think of that type of person which will ultimately be using the system or software being developed. In the realm of information technology, the concept of the end user is somewhat different; the usage for the term may be nominal to any industry but have a totally different function in IT. In information technology or the production of information technology systems, end users are hired for the sake of testing the system as a measure to provide feedback in various areas. People who do not have a good working knowledge of the software are used for the purpose of human factoring, functionality, feasibility, ease and purpose. Developers will use information from the end used in the various phases of the system being develop to improve in areas where end users functionality and ease of operation is warranted. Chris would be theà perfect person to act in the role as the end user. Chris would be a valued member to the project not only does he fit perfect for the end user role but he has programming talents as well as good useful knowledge in software testing. Why I choose Terry and Chris Upon reading the background of the five candidates, it became clear which candidate would fit within my ideal team. First off, I disqualified Pat as candidate, although his well-qualified and would have made a great team lead/business analyst, Patââ¬â¢s attitude toward the project makes me full uneasy and question is diligences to fulfilling his task based on that he does not see the benefit of moving to the Web-based version. I disqualified Jan for team lead position and business analyst position just because Terry is just a better and I could not hire her any other position because her salary requirements is higher than Terryââ¬â¢s. Also, Pat is overly qualified for the end user position. I did not consider Robin for either position albeit she may be a value in another needed role, possibly as a programmer. Terry and Chris will only take 48 hours from the 100 hours allowed for full time employees. Jan might be a good candidate to hire as trainer considering I we purchase the training package from the vendor. Janââ¬â¢s background with vendorââ¬â¢s competitor will make her an avid trainer; also it would be good to have her counsel. She may be the key person to helping IRTC create a product that has advantages over current software available. References: Project Management Institute. (2013). Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK Guide) 5th Edition. Newton Square: Project Management Institute. Kerzner, H. (2013). Mistakes Made by Inexperienced Project Managers. In H. Kerzner, Project Management: A Systems Approach to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling, 11th Edition (p. 213). John Wiley & Sons. Travis, E. (n.d.). Roles of a team leader in a business. Retrieved from What does a business analyst do?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Sony EyeToy â⬠Harvard Case
Sony EyeToy ââ¬â Harvard Case Free Online Research Papers Being that SCEE is responsible for the highly successful EyeToy product, it is now faced with several challenges surrounding maintaining that success, creating an ongoing market for future EyeToy software, and commercializing the hardware/software and marketing it cost-effectively. Specifically, SCEE needs to develop a marketing strategy that is concerned with the EyeToyââ¬â¢s appropriate development pipeline, future EyeToy software development and releases, and expanding the EyeToy market. The EyeToy is an important product for Sony because it fit with the strategic objectives of the SCEE, as Phil Harrison said, ââ¬Å"what we strive for in developing games- itââ¬â¢s be first or be best.â⬠Not only was the EyeToy technologically innovative, but it also proved to be a commercial success. The EyeToy is a phenomenal product for Sony because it has a wider demographic than other games in the market. For SCEE, the EyeToy represented a golden opportunity to profit from the development and marketing of more games utilizing the new camera hardware. However, sales of the second EyeToy game, Groove, were disappointing. This was due to the bundling, marketing, and pricing strategy of Groove (which I will later discuss further). SCEE will have to reevaluate the EyeToy line to formulate an appropriate target market, development, bundling, pricing, and marketin g strategies that will expand the EyeToy market, cost-effectively develop games to market, and successfully market and sell said games for maximized profits. Firstly, SCEE must select the appropriate target market by evaluating the video-game consumers, the companyââ¬â¢s position compared to its competitors, and the opportunities available. The gaming market is dominated by maleââ¬â¢s aged 16-30. Sonyââ¬â¢s PlayStation2 is the leading console. The situation for SCEE is strong, and full of opportunity, due to the strength of the PS2 console and its current customer base; worldwide there are 70 million PS2 consoles (compared to only 15million Xbox and/or GameCubes), and there are 1 million online subscribers. Thus, while the new EyeToy technology has the ability to reach younger, older, and female consumers, that segment is nowhere as large, nor as profitable as the traditional hardcore gamers, the customer base that they already have. However, the EyeToy is nontraditional and is the opportunity to appeal to the nontraditional audience. In 2003, of the top 10 Video-Game Console Titles 6 (including the top 5) were rated ââ¬ËEvery oneââ¬â¢ and only 1 title was rated ââ¬ËMature (17+)ââ¬â¢; that being said, it is worthwhile for SCEE to go after the ââ¬ËEveryoneââ¬â¢ segment of the market (children and families). Given that hardcore gamers are the largest segment, SCEE has to successfully market the EyeToy to these young men, in addition to any expansion of the market that they attempt to create. Secondly, what may be the most important factor for the success of the EyeToy product will be the development of further EyeToy software. Having a variety of EyeToy games consistently being released in the market is what will prevent the EyeToy from becoming a fad. One of SCEEââ¬â¢s critical moves was releasing the code for EyeToy programming and supporting the efforts of third party developers. This will increase the number of games with EyeToy capabilities on the market, thereby increasing the consumer awareness. Moreover, if a third party game is popular, that will boost EyeToy sales; at the same time, if a third party title is unsuccessful, there was no financial loss for SCEE, nor a loss in Sonyââ¬â¢s reputation. Additionally, the games developed by third parties that are ââ¬Å"EyeToy enhancedâ⬠will satisfy the traditional hardcore gamers (likely sports). Furthermore, regarding in-house development, the SCEE currently has 4 EyeToy projects in the works: Play2, Chat, Kinetic, and SingStar. Like EyeToy Play, these games are not for the traditional gamer, Kinetic and SingStar specifically, are targeted towards women. With the third party developers releasing titles for the traditional gaming market, SCEE is free to handle the task of expanding the market demographics; using 3 of these development projects, SCEE will expand the gaming market to include young children, their parents, and women aged 16-35. EyeToy Play2 is an unnecessary title as: this has been done before; the consumers did not appreciate all 12 games on Play. In the next year, SCEE should release two of these titles: EyeToy Chat and Kinetic; by spacing out the release dates it shows that Sony is committed to the new EyeToy technology and to releasing titles specifically to cater to this new audience. The SingStar game should be more heavily invested in and further developed. The SingStar game will be SCEEââ¬â¢s next big hit title; with a greater budget, the most popular song tit les will be incorporated into the game. By following this development strategy, SCEE will be able to create and sustain an ongoing market for EyeToy software, in addition to, enlarge the size of the market (to include women and children) and capture all of the market that they create. Thirdly, an important consideration for the future of the product is the bundling strategy of the EyeToyââ¬â¢s hardware and software components. With the next-generation of PlayStation consoles to be released in 2005-06, the EyeToy hardware will be bundled with the new consoles. With EyeToyââ¬â¢s as a standard in the next generation console, it will be impossible to consider the EyeToy a fad; this may also convert current PlayStation customers who are not EyeToy owners through upgrading of their consoles. Currently the camera hardware is only available as bundled with the Play software. The camera hardware will be made available as a stand-alone product. This is because consumers found the Play game to be rather juvenile, and as such it will be targeted primarily to the non-traditional audience (families and children). Therefore, accordingly, a stand-alone EyeToy will be sold as an alternative for the hardcore gamers (who will be buying ââ¬Å"EyeToy Enhancedâ⬠games as de veloped by third parties) and women aged 16-35 may also opt for the stand-alone EyeToy when the games Kinetic and SingStar are released. Furthermore, to continue to appeal to the new segment of young families with children and females, the EyeToy games Play will continue to be sold as a bundle with the camera hardware. The strategy for bundling outlined above will appeals to the targeted segments of the market and will transform the EyeToy from what may be a fad, to permanent PlayStation technology. The next factor to consider is the pricing strategy for the EyeToy and the software that will be released. The camera hardware and Play game bundle is currently priced at approximately ?60 for the consumer and the Groove game has a price of ?40. Sell-in of the EyeToy Play bundle as at February 2004 exceeded 1.5million units and sales are steadily growing, so there is no need to lower the price of the bundle at this point in time. The pricing for the stand-alone EyeToy is very strategic (see Appendix 1). It will be priced at ?60; being priced the same as the bundle, SCEE does not expect to sell very many stand-alone units. The reason why SCEE would want to do this is to imply to the consumers that the EyeToy hardware costs ?60 and that the software game Play is a collection of 12 mini-games created as an introductory free-gift. This clears up some confusion customers had with the price of Groove, only a game, at ?40. In addition, the EyeToy Chat and Kinetic software will also be priced at ?40. SingStar, with further investment is going to be developed and marketed to be the next hit game developed by SCEE, and as such, will be priced higher at ?50. There is strategy in the release of the stand-alone product, and that is in the pricing, with this strategy SCEE can continue to maintain the pricing and sell more units. SCEE used an effective sampling-driven marketing campaign to introduce the EyeToy Play to the European market, the use of EyeToy demo units was a critical decision and this aspect of the campaign will be kept; however, into the future, SCEE will also use more traditional methods of marketing. Hit video games tend to ââ¬Å"generate 90% of their sales in the first six weeks,â⬠Harrison once stated, EyeToy Play, on the other hand, has had slow and steady growth. This implies that the new technology is spreading slowly by word-of-mouth, by people trying the new technology on their own time (at the mall, video game store, or a friendââ¬â¢s) and then going out to purchase the product. It is for this reason that the EyeToy demo units will remain a fundamental part of the EyeToy marketing strategy, they offer ââ¬Å"potential users the opportunity to try the product.â⬠Moreover, for the upcoming releases of EyeToy software, traditional TV ad campaigns will be run targeting the ââ¬ËEveryoneââ¬â¢ audience. Furthermore, the ads will remind consumers to go to the EyeToy website to find a demo unit near them. Additionally, for the upcoming year, point-of-sale materials will remain for the EyeToy product; the following year, the point-of-sale materials will be specifically marketing the release of the SingStar game. This marketing strategy will continue to expand the EyeToy and PlayStation market and will be effective in increasing unit sales while also being cost-effective. The cost-effectiveness of this entire marketing strategy is high as sales are expected to continue to rise and the cost side remains as budgeted. The suggested pricing strategy yields a large profit for SCEE now, and SCEE retains the ability to lower the price in the future when sales begin to slow. The new budget for the EyeToy pipeline will be raised to ?15million to be allocated amongst the development of the 3 in-house games. SingStar is to be a hit and as such will get ?10million of the budget towards development. Kinetic will be allocated ?3million. Lastly, EyeToy Chat, for the 1 million online subscribers, will be allocated ?2million. These games require large investments because they are going to bear the PlayStation name, and they will be competing with the strong third party developer titles. Furthermore, Sony will receive additional income from the third party developers, as they will be paying royalties. This budget will yield great profits and ensure that SCEEââ¬â¢s titles remain ââ¬Å"first orâ⬠¦ bestâ⬠and competitive in the video-gaming market. This marketing plan solves the concerns for SCEE that arose due to the disappointing sales of the EyeToy Groove. Firstly, EyeToy Groove was released 4 months after the EyeToy Play, and being that it was not sold as a bundle, it was only being sold to the customers who had already bought the EyeToy Play bundle (or forced customers to buy both). Secondly, the price of Groove was ?40, and consumers did not know why Groove cost so much when the EyeToy bundle contained 12 mini-games and the camera hardware for only ?20 more. SCEE failed to properly market EyeToy Groove; the marketing campaign for Groove was an extension of the EyeToy Play where as it should have highlighted its special features. Specifically, Hardy was correct to claim that Groove should have been marketed based on the quality and quantity of licensed music in the game, as well as the dancing and party aspect of it, not the interact with your TV, which was similar to the EyeToy Play campaign. The lesson to be learned from the failure of EyeToy Groove is that the marketing campaigns must now be specific to the game that they are marketing. In conclusion, with sales for EyeToy Play in excess of 2.5million units in the SCEE territories (as of Feb. 2004), and only 100,000 units of Groove sold, SCEE needed to reconfigure the EyeToy marketing strategy and fast. With this marketing strategy, SCEE will be able to establish that the EyeToy is not a fad. They will create and sustain an ongoing market for EyeToyââ¬â¢s and EyeToy software. Furthermore, this will be done profitably and cost-effectively for the benefit of SCEE and SCEI. WORD COUNT: 1944 Appendix 1: Strategic pricing, like the concept that I proposed in this case, was taught to me by Prof. Hawkins with the case of Williams-Sonoma. Williams-Sonoma sold two types of toasters one for a low price, $50, and one for a higher price, $150. They found that the majority of toasters being sold were of the low priced type. To change this, they introduced a ridiculously high priced unit, $350. The intention of doing so was not to sell the units for $350, but to sell more of the $150 unit. This strategic pricing strategy worked for Williams-Sonoma, and as such I applied a similar strategy to this case. Research Papers on Sony EyeToy - Harvard CaseAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductOpen Architechture a white paperThe Project Managment Office SystemBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfDefinition of Export QuotasTwilight of the UAWThe Hockey GamePETSTEL analysis of IndiaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital
Monday, October 21, 2019
Bismuth Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements
Bismuth Facts - Periodic Table of the Elements Symbol Bi Atomic Number 83 Atomic Weight 208.98037 Electron Configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3 Element Classification Metal Discovery Known to the ancients. Name Origin German: bisemutum, (white mass), presently spelled wismut. Density (g/cc) 9.747 Melting Point (K) 44.5 Boiling Point (K) 1883 Appearance hard, brittle, steel-gray metal with a pinkish tinge Atomic Radius (pm) 170 Atomic Volume (cc/mol) 21.3 Covalent Radius (pm) 146 Ionic Radius 74 (5e) 96 (3e) Specific Heat (@20C J/g mol) 0.124 Fusion Heat (kJ/mol) 11.00 Evaporation Heat (kJ/mol) 172.0 Debye Temperature (K) 120.00 Pauling Negativity Number 2.02 First Ionizing Energy (kJ/mol) 702.9 Oxidation States 5, 3 Lattice Structure rhombohedral Lattice Constant () 4.750 References: Los Alamos National Laboratory (2001), Crescent Chemical Company (2001), Langes Handbook of Chemistry (1952), CRC Handbook of Chemistry Physics (18th Ed.) Return to the Periodic Table
Sunday, October 20, 2019
ACT Complete Guide
International Students and the SAT/ACT Complete Guide SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you an international student aiming to attend college in the United States? Colleges are looking for students with language skills and global competencies more than ever, so you already have several strong assets to draw on in your college applications. One requirement for your applications to most universities is the SAT or ACT. Let's go over the information you need to know about deciding between the SAT and ACT, registering for the tests, and preparing to achieve a high score. First, why are the SAT and ACT important to go to college in the U.S.? Why Are the SAT and ACT Important for College Applications? Almost all four-year colleges and universities require you to take the SAT or ACT, with just a few exceptions. These exams are meant to test all students' knowledge and reasoning skills on an equal playing field, as everyone'scurriculum and learning experiences might differ from school to school. These tests have been used to ensure that you have the critical thinking and reasoning skills you need to do well in college. Putting in the effort to prep and achieve strong scorescan also demonstrate your commitment to studying at university. If your native language is not English, you probably also have to take the TOEFL or IELTS to demonstrate language proficiency. Like the SAT and ACT, these are two equal options as mostcolleges will accept either. While bothoptions are equal, you want to choose the one on which you can perform better. So far, the SAT and TOEFL have been the most popular choices for international students, so you may have heard more about them. In past years, some collegeswaived the TOEFL/IELTS requirement if you got a certain score on the Evidence Based Reading and Writingsection of the SAT or English and Reading section of the ACT. These schools, for example, usedthe following cutoff scores: College VerbalMinimum Score Columbia 700+ on SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing or 29+ on ACT English or Reading Johns Hopkins 690+ on SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writing or 30+ on both ACT English and Reading University of Michigan 650+ on SAT Evidence Based Reading and Writingor 27+ on both ACT English and Reading Cornell University 35+ on SAT Reading scaled score You can learn more about each college's policy on its website or by calling its admissions office directly. Since most colleges accept either the SAT or ACT, which option is better for international students? How Are the SAT and ACT Different? Just like with students who are U.S. citizens, the "better" test all depends on your educational background, academic strengths, and personal interests.The SAT and the ACT are viewed equally by colleges, so you should choose based on where you can get the higher score. Typically, international students are able to score higher on math sections of standardized exams than on verbal sections, both because of the quality of math education in various countries and the extra language challenges many international students must overcome in reading and writing sections.While the SAT has generally been more popular than the ACT for international students, it might not be the better option for you if you're strong inmath and science. The ACT, unlike the SAT, has a science section, plus it tests more advanced math concepts. Let's break down some of the important information you should know about each test. Ultimately, the best way to choose is to try some sample questions and practice tests and see which one works better for you. What to Know About theSAT The SAT is much more popular internationally, so you might already have more knowledge about the test or resources to study for it. The SAT hasfour sections: one Reading, one Writing, one Math (no calculator), and one Math (with calculator). It also features an optional fifth section, a 50-minute essay. Some colleges will want you to take the SAT with essay; others will leave the choice up to you. Let's consider some features about the SAT that would appeal to international students, followed by some cons of this college admissions test. Pros of the SAT for International Students The SAT might be more appealing to international students than the ACT for a couple of reasons. One is that the verbal sections now count for half the exam score, rather than 2/3 of the total score. For students whose first language is not English, this decrease in emphasis on the Reading and Writing could be a welcome feature. Second, the SAT no longer features obscure vocabulary words. These tough words were challenging for native and non-native English speakers alike, so the elimination of "sentence completion" questions may make the SAT easier for international students. Now, one challenge of the SAT is to glean the meaning of more common words that are being used in unusual ways. Along similar lines, SAT questions now feature straightforward wording, making them easier to understand. All three sections, Reading, Writing, and Math, also feature graphs, charts, and tables. If you're strong at interpreting data, then this feature may appeal to you. Cons of the SATfor International Students There may be a few cons to the SAT for international students. One con is that some selective schools require that you take both the SAT and one or twoSAT Subject Tests. Most of these same schools waive the Subject Test requirement if you take the ACT. So if you chose the ACT, you'd only have to take that one test, whereas if you chose the SAT, you might have to take three separate tests to apply. Another con is the SAT's emphasis onreading comprehension in all its sections. The Reading passages feature evidence-based questions, meaning you'll have to back up your answers with evidence from the text. All of the questions in the Writing and Language section feature longer passages, so you'll need a strong grasp on structure and syntax.Even the math questions feature word problems with what College Board refers to as "real world scenarios." These scenarios may not be a part of everyone's real world experience, and they might pose a challenge for students more accustomed to figures and equations, rather than wordiness, in their math problems. The best way to get a sense of how SAT questions work is to take sample practice tests, as I'll discuss below. First though, let's consider the structure of the ACT, along with its pros and cons for international students applying to college in the U.S. There's no bad or good test for your college applications. Rather, you should choose the one that helps youget the higher score! What to Know About theACT While the ACT was more of a domestic U.S.-based test for a long time, it isactually becoming more popular with international students. As mentioned above, it's not all that different from the SAT, except for the fact thatit features a Science section along with its English, Reading, Math, and optional essay sections. So what are some of the pros and cons of the ACT for international students? Pros of the ACT for International Students While the SAT is only featuring more accessiblequestion types this year, the ACT has always been known for its straightforward wording. Its questions don't seem set out to trick you; instead, they're relatively clear. This characteristic is useful for international students, who won'thave to do double the work to figure out what a question is even asking for in the first place. Another potentially attractive feature of the ACT is its Science section. ACT Science doesn't require you to have a ton of specific scientific knowledge; instead, it's more concerned with testing your scientific skills, like analyzing data and evaluating a hypothesis. Some international studentsfind they do better on this section than Reading and English, so its inclusion makes it a compelling reason to choose the ACT over the SAT. Another feature of the ACT, which may be a pro or a con depending on your math level, is its incorporation of higher level math concepts. Its math questions feature more geometry and trigonometry than the SAT, and you can use a calculator on all of them.If you're strong in math and science and/or considering going into a STEM field, you might demonstrate your skills and interests best by taking the ACT. Finally, some students have said that the ACT is more in line with IB curriculum. So if you're in an IB school, you might look over the test to see if it aligns well with what you've learned in school. Cons of the ACTfor International Students As mentioned above, the ACT features more advanced math, as well as a science section. If you're less strong in these areas, then they may be a reason not to take the ACT. Depending on your academic preparation and skills, these sections may be a major determining factor in whether you can do better on the SAT or the ACT. Another potential con is simply its lack of popularity internationally. You may have grown up learning a lot more about the SAT, and you might be able to form study groups with friends who are taking the SAT. If few people around you are taking the ACT, then you might not have the same study and support network that you would for the SAT. Like the SAT, the ACT has a large emphasis on reading comprehension and evaluating structure and syntax of passages. The verbal section is worth half your score, so you'll want to try both SAT and ACT verbal sections (Reading and Writing for the SAT, Reading and English for the ACT)to see which one is more appealing to you. Trying out practice questions will be very useful in helping you decide between the SAT and ACT. Read on to learn where you can find these practice questions andhow to register for an examonce you make your choice. How Can You Decide Between the SAT and ACT? As I mentioned above, the best way to decide whether you should take the SAT or the ACT (or the TOEFL or IELTS, for that matter) is to learn all about the content and format of the tests and then take a practice test to see which one you can do better on. You want your test score to strengthen your overall application, so get familiar with the content, format, and question types of the tests and then make your best choice. Once you've decided, commit yourself to prepping for that test, and don't worry about the other one! To fully commit, you need to register for the test. Want to learn more about the SAT but tired of reading blog articles? Then you'll love our free, SAT prep livestreams. Designed and led by PrepScholar SAT experts, these live video events are a great resource for students and parents looking to learn more about the SAT and SAT prep. Click on the button below to register for one of our livestreams today! How Do You Register for the SAT or ACT? Both tests have an online registration process and charge a fee. You'll have to find your testing center, choose your test date, and then enter your personal and payment information. You can check out the exam websites to find testing dates and more information. Register for the SAT You'll register to take the SAT at the College Board website. You want to start early, like in sophomore or junior year, to give yourself time to take it again if you want to improve your score.Youalso should register at least a month before your desired exam date so you don't have to pay any additional late registration fees. There might be some additional requirements if you're from Cameroon, Egypt, Ghana, Hong Kong, India, Korea, Macau, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. For more information, check out our complete step-by-step guide to SAT registration. Register for the ACT If you choose to take the ACT, then you'll register through ACT, Inc.You can register and learn about your country's ACT test dates on the ACT website. Test dates are generally in September, October, December, April, and June. If there's no testing center nearby, you might be able to arrange special testing for yourself. Finally, make sure you're familiar what to bring and what to leave home on test day and have a sense of how many times you plan to take the ACT. For more information, check out our step-by-step guide to ACT registration. As you can imagine, all of this prepping and planning requires a significant amount of time. Since the college process starts at least a year before you actually send your applications, what should your timeline for test prep be? When Should You Begin Preparing for the SAT or ACT? When do you need to register for the SAT/ACT, and when should you start studying for the exam? In this section, we go over all the important steps to take when you prepare for the SAT or ACT, as well as when you need to take them. Many studentsstart preppinga year or more in advance, and some take the SAT or ACT early in high school to get testing experience. You want to give yourselfat least six months to prep intensively, but more is ideal, especially if you're a non-native English speaker and have to put in extra study time to improve your language skills. You need to sign up for the SAT or ACT at least a month before your actual testing date. You also need about three to four weeks for your test to be scored and the score reports sent to colleges, so you want to take it ahead of your deadlines.That means you should know exactly what colleges you're applying to by that time, so you can list them as score recipients when you register for the tests. This means that the colleges you indicate will receive your SAT or ACT score reports. Your entire high school experience is part of your college application - the classes you take, the clubs and sports you join, and the work and volunteer experience you have. You also will likely include teacher recommendations. So apart from the SAT and ACT, your college preparation is something that you can work on throughout all four years of high school. How Can You Study for the SAT or ACT? Test prep is very important to do well on these tests, as they probably don't resemble tests you normally take in school. Prep will both reinforce the material and get you familiar with how the questions are worded and how to manage your time. Strategy plays a big role in how well you do, so learning strategies and applying them as your practice is also key for the SAT and ACT. You can prep online with practice questions at College Board, the ACT, Khan Academy, or other sites, or through PrepScholar's customizable online prep programs. You can also purchase SAT and ACT prepbooks and get full-length practice tests, along with detailed explanations, content review, and key strategies. Coming up with a study schedule and setting target scores is the best way to stay on track, overcome your weaknesses, and get ready for the SAT/ACT. How Can Online Prep Help International Students? PrepScholar's online prep is a great tool for international students who want to succeed on the SAT/ACT and get into their top choice universities. Because it's online and can be accessed anywhere with internet, it's extremely convenient for students all over the world. PrepScholar has high-quality practice questions and tracks your progress, letting you know what content you've mastered and what concepts you still need to work on. You can also choose to get tutoring as part of your online program. While some prep books might cater to American students and assume you're more familiar with the tests than you are, yourtutor will answer any questions you have, as well as motivate you and help keep you accountable to your goals. There are lots of resources to help you master the SAT/ACT and achieve your post-high school goals. As long as you do your research, set aside time to prepare, andask for help when you can, you'll get into a school that's the best fit for you. What's Next? Taking the TOEFL?Get all the info you need to succeed on the test, including sample questions and strategy guides, at our TOEFL blog. Besides the SAT/ACT, what other key components are part of your college application? Read all about how to build a versatile college application. Are you worriedabout the Reading section? This article tells you exactly how to read the passages to maximize your understanding and not waste time. How is the SAT scored? What about the ACT? Understanding the scoring process will help you determine exactly how well you need to do in each section to achieve your target scores. Want to improve your SAT score by 160points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Discussing a New Coffee Branding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3
Discussing a New Coffee Branding - Essay Example The activity is sure to attract consumers, as it provides on-the-spot testing of taste and quality of the product. The consumers will be invited to have mugs of fresh coffee made with that brand, and then, their remarks will be taken by asking them to note down their comments on a special notebook. The team leader will continuously be introducing the new brand to people through a microphone. I would also recommend creating suspense starting some days before the launch of the product. I suggest placing banners and some guessing game ideas written on billboards right at the spot where the product is to be launched. This way, the consumers will remain curious about what is going to happen or what is going to come into the market and into their hands. This will create such a buzz that nobody will want to miss the product and the event in which the product is to be launched. I suggest releasing bits and pieces of details every day to give the boost to the suspense. This will surely drive people crazy about the product and the launch event. I suggest giving people free access to some of the features of the new brand. I recommend that sachets must be prepared for the new brand of coffee, with eye-catching wrappers, and they must be distributed in the launch event. Nothing amuses and attracts consumers more than something being given free about the new product. Those who will not taste the coffee on-spot will take sachets and try them at their homes. This will be very interesting for them and will assure them that there is something good for the product that the company is giving the people a free chance to try it.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Body Mass Index Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Body Mass Index - Research Paper Example A BMI value that is above 30 suggests that a person is obese (Brownell & Puhl, 2005). Obesity has been identified as a major cause for concern with respect to discrimination, which has been observed in various aspects of peopleââ¬â¢s everyday life. This paper seeks to highlight and discuss instances in peopleââ¬â¢s lives, which are affected by discrimination based on obesity. Various research studies that have been conducted to investigate whether bias against obese individuals led to discrimination in various aspects of peopleââ¬â¢s everyday life. Findings from research studies have established that there exists a stereotype against obese people, in society. This stereotype is based on the negative attributes that have been pegged on their characters and appearance. One such research study was able to establish that there existed discrimination in the work place, especially when it came to hiring, promotion and remuneration (Brownell & Puhl, 2005). The findings from this research illustrated that there was bias, which evolved to discrimination of obese individuals in all aspects of employment and workplace practice. Obese people have been found to experience discrimination in the health care sector where doctors have prejudice over obese patients. This discrimination and negative stereotyping has led to a decline in the quality of health care that obese individuals receive (Brownell & Puhl, 2005). Obese people have also been found to experience discrimination in the education system from its early establishment through to college. This has been blamed for the rising cases of suicides perpetrated by school going children. Discrimination based on obesity has been increasing over the years that it has been leveled with racial discrimination (Brownell & Puhl, 2005). Discrimination based on obesity has been identified as an increasing threat to the wellbeing of the society, but at the same time, it
Human resource Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Human resource - Essay Example ndergoing rapid changes characterised by the emergence of new enterprises, intensification of global competition and the growth of the diverse workforce.2 These pressures are compelling companies to reposition themselves strategically to attract and retain the competent workforce. Management of human resources is intricate and challenging because workers have personal needs, objectives, motivations, interests and desires that conflict with business goals. HR management and planning is a useful tool for reconciling these conflicts and ensuring that organizations resources are utilized effectively.3 Today, human resource managers are faced with issues such as management of diversity, globalisation and work life balance. HR practitioners play a critical role in an organisation to ensure effective acquisition and utilisation of HR. They are tasked with creating and implementing policies for guiding human resource in an organization, controlling HR programmes and guidelines, offering advice and counsel to the workers, and perform other functions that can assist line managers to execute their duties.4 However, in the execution of their duties the HR practitioners encounter innumerable challenges in the modern world. In the modern society, most families in developed countries such as UK have joined the labour force. In circumstances when husband and wife are both in the working class, the human resource managers are faced with a challenge of helping such parents with work-life balance programs to increase their productivity.5 Therefore, it makes sense for the companyââ¬â¢s human resource to come up with programmes to assist workers establish a balance between work and family responsibilities. The HR can implement programmes to assist workers achieve their family obligations. For example, programmes such as child care at the workplace, sick leave policies, job sharing education policies, picking or dropping their children at school, etc. For example, Unilever company offer
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Essay assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Assignment - Essay Example It is significant to appreciate that the lawfulness of the Education Act and its inherent relations to external affairs power. The federal state of Australia, as you are aware, is a member of Commonwealth parliament. Adoption of the Act by the federal government comes a week after passage of the same act by the Commonwealth assembly. The principal controversy follows inherent rejection of the Act by members of the opposition in our federal parliament. Just to recap the content of National Education Act 2015, it has a collection of relevant legislation to our current educational needs. The current National Education Acts clearly expounds details of an education institution and its role in the society. It identifies an education institution as any organization with a primary goal of providing instruction to pupils within the age of 5 years to 18 years in the relevant subjects such as mathematics and science literacy. It also encompasses the National Education Standards and defines it as the body of principles pertaining to the primary or secondary education. Ministry of Education must promulgate this body of principle to enable it take effect on any states education system (Zines, 2008). The inherent discussion centers on section 1(c) of the promulgated Act. This sub-section introduces the cause of disagreement in the past Act. It introduces the Commonwealth Education Proctor, as a representative of the Commonwealth to our education institutions including Kearneys Spring State School. The Commonwealth Educational Proctor does an oversight role on behalf of the Commonwealth on our education system and quality. It is mandatory, according to the Act, to have such an official in every Australian school (Zines, 2008). The Minister of Education has the power according to the Act of organizing for the appointment of Commonwealth Education Proctor in any member State of Commonwealth within all the respective
Women in the Struggle for America's Independence Research Paper - 2
Women in the Struggle for America's Independence - Research Paper Example A woman is not equal to a man, but more equal! She has shown her capacity to challenge the complex roles, hitherto not performed by her, when historical necessities demanded them from her. During the various wars, her brave and sterling qualities were displayed. Her one such important challenge was the war of the American Revolution. Why the American Revolution is unique from the perspective of women The American Revolution was unique as for its cultural and social aspects. Women involved themselves in different fonts and often served multiple objectives. The perspectives of participation in war efforts of the elite white women with their intellectual background were different from the black and Native American women. They played their multiple roles in different segments of revolution. Carol Berkin, in her book, ââ¬Å"Revolutionary Mothers: Women in the Struggle for America's Independence,â⬠provides a gendered portrait of multiple revolutions. The author has attempted to tell a complex story in a simple tone, not filled with aggression or malice. She writes, ââ¬Å"When men went off to fight the war, either on the battlefield or in the storehouses, women accepted the need to step in and direct household affairs, run the farm or shop, arm themselves against the enemy, and protect their families from danger.â⬠(xvi) They were fighting a war of survival in most of the cases and the day to day challenges was unpredictable. The developments in the war front, the victories and setbacks, constantly played upon their psychology while managing their onerous responsibilities. Women not ââ¬Å"passive observers,â⬠rather ââ¬Å"partnersâ⬠Berkin has provided ample examples of womenââ¬â¢s exploits that she hailed them as the Revolutionary Mothers. She argues, during the period of Revolution, women were not ââ¬Å"passive observers" but rather "partners" with their husbands, brothers, fathers and sons (p. xv).
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Essay assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Assignment - Essay Example It is significant to appreciate that the lawfulness of the Education Act and its inherent relations to external affairs power. The federal state of Australia, as you are aware, is a member of Commonwealth parliament. Adoption of the Act by the federal government comes a week after passage of the same act by the Commonwealth assembly. The principal controversy follows inherent rejection of the Act by members of the opposition in our federal parliament. Just to recap the content of National Education Act 2015, it has a collection of relevant legislation to our current educational needs. The current National Education Acts clearly expounds details of an education institution and its role in the society. It identifies an education institution as any organization with a primary goal of providing instruction to pupils within the age of 5 years to 18 years in the relevant subjects such as mathematics and science literacy. It also encompasses the National Education Standards and defines it as the body of principles pertaining to the primary or secondary education. Ministry of Education must promulgate this body of principle to enable it take effect on any states education system (Zines, 2008). The inherent discussion centers on section 1(c) of the promulgated Act. This sub-section introduces the cause of disagreement in the past Act. It introduces the Commonwealth Education Proctor, as a representative of the Commonwealth to our education institutions including Kearneys Spring State School. The Commonwealth Educational Proctor does an oversight role on behalf of the Commonwealth on our education system and quality. It is mandatory, according to the Act, to have such an official in every Australian school (Zines, 2008). The Minister of Education has the power according to the Act of organizing for the appointment of Commonwealth Education Proctor in any member State of Commonwealth within all the respective
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Microeconomics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Microeconomics - Essay Example The price of a one carrot diamond is $10,000, while the price of 100 gallons of tap water is $0.50 (Textbook, 2007). The diamond ââ¬â water paradox proves that the utility of a resource does not necessarily affect its price. The economical explanation of the diamond ââ¬â water paradox is based on the law of demand and supply. The application of this law implies the reason the prices of diamonds are so high is based on the short supply of diamonds across the world (Varian, 2003). The prices of purified water sold in 20 ounce bottle units follow to certain extend same logic as the diamond ââ¬â tap water paradox. Bottle waterââ¬â¢s price is much higher than the water that comes into peopleââ¬â¢s home through its pluming system. To put the price in perspective with 100 gallons of water a company could prepare 640 twenty once bottles of water which retails at $1 a piece implying the market value of purified bottle water is 1040 times than the value of tap water. The quality of the product, its positive health benefit, its good refreshing taste and the formula that provides drinkable water at its optimum state of quality it can be to be consumed by humans. The marginal utility of bottle water is very suspect in comparison to tap water. The water in bottles has a market value which makes it an item that can only be used to be drank by a person, on the other hand tap water can used consumed orally by humans as well as a variety of other uses such as fro c leaning, to run machinery as a cooling agent, and many other uses. Tap water is way cheaper and has more used than bottle water. Water is a valuable liquid that is generally available at very low prices for most of the worldââ¬â¢s population. In the continent of Africa in general water is not readily available for many villages across the African nation. The utility and value of water for a community is tremendous. If water is in a state of scarcity in a region the social political system is destroyed and a chaotic
Monday, October 14, 2019
Sad - Online Grading System Essay Example for Free
Sad Online Grading System Essay Currently these are the problems that usually occurs in distributing the studentsââ¬â¢ report cards. What is the extent of the problems faced by the student in terms of the following? a) Accessibility of the studentââ¬â¢s grades. b) Accuracy of the studentââ¬â¢s grades given by their teachers. c) Disputes or discrepancies of the students with their grades. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY In order to provide excellent distribution of studentââ¬â¢s grades, Trinity Christian School needs to develop an online grading system with an easy to use interface for teachers, and also the students to see their grades. a) To be able to create a system that allows the students all-access to their grades at any given point of time and date. b) To provide a system that updates the data of the grades in real time if not then on a specific time. c) To create a system that notifies the teacher that his/her students has problems/disputes to their grades. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The following below are the users that would benefit greatly on the system: To the Students Students would benefit in using the Online Grading System for involving themselves to partake justifying their grades. Students can also use this system to access or view their grades if ever they took an early vacation and arenââ¬â¢t able to get their report cards. And most importantly is that the student will enhance their sense of responsibility. To the Teachers Teachers will benefit this system in regards to lessening the time distributing report cards to parents/ guardians. To the Parents/Guardians There are some cases that a student would lie about their grades and wonââ¬â¢t show the report cards to their parents, this systemà will make that situation impossible since the parents or the guardians will have access to the studentââ¬â¢s grades and they would know if the student is lying or not. To the Researchers That the researchers would be able to create a fully functional system that would implement the lessons and theories that the researchers have learned. It would give the researchers an idea on how the information technology professionals do their works. To the Future Researchers That this Feasibility study would serve as guidelines. And give an idea to the future researchers in what are the basic needs of an online grading system. DEFINITION OF TERMS Terms here are conceptually and operationally defined for better understanding. Administrator a person who manages a computer system.à Information Technology It defines an industry that uses computers, networking, software programming, and other equipment and processes to store, process, retrieve, transmit, and protect information. Internet a vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide. The Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of which use the same set of communications protocols. LAN local area network (LAN) consists of two or more computers connected together in a building or home using software and hardware. A LAN is contrasted to a wide area network (WAN) such as the Internet, which covers a large geographic area. Network Is a collection of computers and devices interconnected by communications channels that facilitate communications among users and allows users to share resources. Online connected to, served by, or available through a system and especially a computer or telecommunications system. SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS Trinity Christian School is one of the outstanding private schools in Bacolod City which is located at Villa Angela Subdivision, Phase 3, Bacolod City,à Philippines, 6100. They create, teach and provide high education standards that caters to the needs of their students, and also engraves the spirit of Christianity to their students, faculty and staff. Trinity Christian Schools offers a continuum of learning from nursery up to high school. Trinity Christian School believes in the importance of building a strong foundation in the learning experience of the student, and in building the values of self-discipline, diligence, and respect for self and others along with the students intellectual development. The study is only implemented for Trinity Christian School and can be networked through the internet by the administrator. The researchers are not liable to the changes of the grades made by the teacher.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Open Source Software: Advantages and Methods
Open Source Software: Advantages and Methods Background Open source software is treated as the software which is freely accessed by anyone. The source code of the software is publically accessible by anyone so that anyone can use it in his own way for study purposes or in order to make some changes. Open source software has option to use general public license or any other license depending upon the permissions or allowances. Now a dayââ¬â¢s open source software are very popular because of the availability of the interne in every region of the world. The development of new open source software is starts with a single developer or a group of developers for their necessity or their interest. Open source development movement was started by Richard Stallman in 1980 in order to grow the development of the free software for social purposes to provide freedoms for the use of the software for various purposes. There are number of free software available online on the host site. Open source software is different from proprietary software in which the users can not access the code. Now days users prefer open source software instead of proprietary software because they can use the code in their own way and even they can make the modification and change the functionality according to their requirement. To use open source software, the user do not need to pay the license fee as in case of the proprietary software users need to pay the license fee. Various pros of open source software: Easy license management Lower expenses Expanded competition Good quality and stability Increased use in business Open interaction with public users and developers Improved security Faster development Open source software Open source software is software that could be easily applied, transformed, and shared (in revised or unmodified form) by anyone. Open source software is made by many individuals, and distributed under licenses that adhere to the Open Source Definition [1]. The Open Source initiative (OSI) is a global non-profit that helps and stimulates the open source movement. Among other activities, it keeps the Open Source Description, and a list of licenses that comply with this definition. Open source identifies computer software for which: The source code can be acquired to the end-user. The source code could be revised by the end-user. You can find number of restrictions on redistribution or use. The licensing conditions are meant to aid extended re-use and large option of the software, in both industrial and non-commercial contexts. There are several different functions which several, but not totally all, open source software products have in common: The expense of immediate purchase to the end-user is usually minimal. This is because the best to easily redistribute the software makes offering licenses for copies of open source software an impossible company idea. The development system of open source tasks gives several new features with Agile development, because produces are frequent, functions are included rapidly following comments from customers, developers tend to be distributed geographically. Many, but in no way all, open source tasks are made and maintained by informal areas of developers [2]. Open source tasks frequently offer as apprentice opportunities for junior developers to fast understand their business by doing real-world development. Open source software development starts with an idea from an individual or from group of individuals. The quality is considered from the initialization of the project development as it will be easy to test the software if the quality is assured from the initialization but if the quality is not assured from the start then it may leads to software failure. Software developer may use the existing code or they can develop their own code according to the requirements. Then after the development of the code it goes under the review process under the trusted developer who can understand the code and the working of the software. Then in order to assure the quality testing is performed in order to remove the faults in software. After the testing of the software if the software is found to perform according to the required functionality and found error free then it is released under the license. After the release of the software, the parallel debugging if required i.e. if any user or developer who is using that software found any faults or error in the software then he may report to the original developer in order to remove that error from the software. So in this parallel debugging is done. So in this way software undergoes different stages for the development of the software. These stages are depicted as follows: Figure 1.2.1 Different levels of development of OSS Benefits of Open Source Software Open source software has a numerous advantages for the individuals, developers and companies. A few of these benefits could be realized only if agencies lead back once again to the community. Open source software: Normally has no transparent payment. Having less transparent payment may appear to gain agencies economically. Agencies must look into the full total price of ownership like some other software companies; including all help services thatll be expected to handle the software over their lifespan. Encourages an aggressive industry for help services. Because the source code can be acquired, its feasible for any software organization to supply help for an open source product. If the clients are the good developers they can edit the code of the software. Boost up a collective methodology. Open source software boost up an open transfer of the views of the developers as well as users, who can share their view in order to make the advancements in the software. That tends to promote a collaborative approach that could foster innovation. Imposes fewer restrictions on the customers of the software. Most open source software licenses impose fewer restrictions on the customers of the software and emphasize regard for the solitude of the users. Nevertheless, agencies should ensure they understand the obligation for reciprocity thats a part of several open source licenses. Provides the opportunity for customers to directly handle maintenance and support of the software. This might be an advantage to agencies that get the correct ability base. Allows the opportunity to use the software before committing to it. This can allow agencies to check the practicality of the product before completely focusing on it. May possibly minimize supplier lock-in. whoever is using the software , the source code of the software is visible to everyone, many licenses will allow any individual or group to help expand develop the software without the obligation to aid other customers, even if the initial neighbourhood discontinues development. Professional organizations may give help for an open supply deal, if you will find enough customers willing to cover that service. Allows customers to see and alter the source code. The ability of customers to scrutinize and modify the source code can cause increased balance and security. It also allows agencies to custom the software to their own needs [3]. Allows customers to make the most of the improved performance of new produces more frequently. Now a dayââ¬â¢s open source software agencies uses the maxim of ââ¬Ërelease early, release usually , and thus customers can quickly gain extra performance for the software. Raises interoperability. Open standards are used by open source software, which helps in reducing the expenses of integration and improve interoperability. Frequently is modular. Open source software packages are often modular, meaning changes to one the main source code do not affect the functionality of rest of the code. Software metrics Software metrics play a crucial role in the administration of the software projects. Metrics used to track development process, quantify restructuring impact and to calculate code quality. Software metrics are very important to software engineering for measuring software complexity and quality, functionality, Characteristic of the software product. Software metrics can be used for Finding defects in the code, predicting defective code, predicting project success, and predicting project risk. Metrics help to recognize, to monitor and connect project problems at all stages. Metrics can precisely describe the position of software project application and product. Metrics can be utilized as a method to measure problems and to prevent being forced into a reactive fix. Metrics provide powerful medium for choosing the most effective alternatives. Efferent Coupling Efferent coupling is just a count of how many classes which are combined to a particular type i.e. where the methods of 1 type contact the methods or access the parameters of the other class. If a class let it be ââ¬Å"homeâ⬠referrals other class ââ¬Å"furnitureâ⬠and class ââ¬Å"furnitureâ⬠referrals class ââ¬Å"homeâ⬠then class ââ¬Å"homeâ⬠is just counted once [14]. Efferent coupling should really be as low as feasible for three causes Higher coupling increases interclass dependencies, making the code less modular and less ideal for reuse. Even if there is need to use that code again then there may be some extra code bound with the required code which will not be necessary for the required functionality. More combining ensures that the code becomes more difficult to securely keep up since an alteration to code in one single region runs an increased risk of affecting other code which may be combined to that code. The more hyperlinks between classes the more complicated the code and the more difficult it is to check [4]. More independent the code, then it is easier to reuse. LOC Lines of Code Line of code metric is used to measure the size of the program code. It is the measure of all the lines of code available in the source code file except the comment lines. Loc metric is helpful in measuring the complexity of the code and it is also helpful to predict the productivity of the code. Following are the effects of LOC: A low value of lines of code metric result in greater understandability of the code. A low value of line of code metric of the source code may require less testing efforts to test the source code. A low value of line of code metric may result in high maintainability. CC McCabes Cyclomatic complexity Thomas McCabe developed Cyclomatic complexity metric which is used to measure the complexity of the source code. It helps in determining the minimum possible paths which can build all possible paths by the use of control flow graph. The value of cyclomatic complexity can be depicted by the use of the following formula: CC= Number of edged in the graph number of nodes + number of connected components Following are the effects based upon McCabeââ¬â¢s cyclomatic complexity metric: The low value of cyclomatic complexity indicates the better method. The low value of cyclomatic complexity helps in greater understand ability of the methods and reduces the testing efforts required to test the efficiency of the method. McCabeââ¬â¢s cyclomatic complexity helps to measure the complexity of the methods instead of the complexity of the class. But the combination of the complexity of all the methods may give results of the complexity of the class. The low value of cyclomatic complexity indicates good quality. NOC Number of Children Number of Children (NOC) is explained by CK how many immediate subclasses of a class exists [4]. CKs see was that The higher number of children poses greater reusability, since inheritance predicts behavior like reusability. The higher how many children, the greater the likelihood of incorrect abstraction of the inherent class. If a class features a big amount of children, there is possibility of an event of misuse of sub classing [11]. The amount of children offers a concept of the potential influence a class has on design. If a class features a big amount of children, there may be need of more testing of the techniques in that class. RFC Response For Class This is the measure of Response group of a class. It is defined as the number of methods in set of all the methods that are invoked in reply to a message sent to an object of a class [6]. CKs see was that In case a large quantity of practices could be invoked in reaction to a message, the screening and testing of the class becomes complex as there is need of huge degree of knowledge on the part of the tester. The bigger the number of practices which can be invoked from a class, the complexity of the class increases. A worst situation for possible response may support in ideal allocation of screening (testing) time. WMC Weighted Methods for Class Weighted methods for Class (WMC) was actually proposed by CK whilst the sum of all complexities of the methods in the class. Each method in a class is assigned a complexity of one rendering WMC equal to the number of strategies in the class. Many traditional implementations follow this rule. CKs see of WMC was How many strategies and the complexity of strategies included is a predictor of simply how much time and energy is required to build and maintain the class. The bigger the number of strategies in a class the greater the possible impact on children, because children can inherit all the methods that are specifically defined in the class. Classes having many strategies are likely to be more application specific, decreasing the likelihood of reuse. ABD Average Block Depth This is the average of the maximum block depth of each of the methods defined in the target elements. This metric is helpful in determining the complexity of the code. More the levels of nested block it will be difficult to understand the code. A method may have different conditional statements which create the flow of the code and nested blocks are generated. So it is concluded that The lower value of the average block depth indicates the good quality of the code. Higher value of average block depth indicates high complexity. Higher value of average block depth may introduce more error and may lead to difficult understanding of the code. Quality of open source software Quality is defined as the term which implies to customer or the user satisfaction. So the quality of the software means the software works according the userââ¬â¢s requirements. The functionality of the software is up to expectations. There are various factors which are considered in order to measure the quality of the software. Quality depends upon the factors like functionality of the software, reliability of the software, efficiency, accuracy and stability of the software. All these factors have important role in order to measure the quality of the software. If software satisfies or fulfils all these factors then it is considered as good quality software. Software free of bugs is also recommended as of good quality. Regular maintenance of the software is required in order to maintain the quality of the software. The code of open source software is accessible to everyone. So large number of users can enrol and make their contribution in order to make some modification if there exist some bugs. As the open source software are cheap so users prefer these software more than proprietary software. due to open source nature the bugs can be fixed whenever found. And even if the users are good developers then they can edit the code or use the code in order to give some more innovative software. in short these are the different ways to maintain the quality of software . due to high maintenance , good quality is achieved and in the end customers are highly satisfied. Figure 1.5.1 various quality factors Research Motivation The main motivation behind having a fuzzy logic based system to evaluate a open source software is to make the evaluation accurate and easy. In recent years , research has done in order to evaluate the quality of open source software but previous work has done on the basis of metrics and then the value of those metrics were used to evaluate software. This may gives the inaccurate results and it becomes difficult to evaluate the quality. So in this work fuzzy approach is used which accurately evaluate the software which improves the previous work by increasing the speed of evaluation and by giving improve precise results. Organization of thesis This dissertation represents the evaluation of the open source software by use of the varios metrics acting as the parameters on the basis of which quality of the software s evaluated. This chapter describes about the various metrics which are considered for evaluation and the effect of those metric on evaluation. After study about the metrics and quality of software, the motivation of the present work in the first chapter is represented, the dissertation is segregated into chapters to methodically express the work and the conclusion drawn. The work is organized into the following chapters and the content included in each chapter is briefly outlined as follows:
Saturday, October 12, 2019
History of Fireworks :: Design and Technology
History of Fireworks The birthplace of fireworks is generally recognized as China. It is said that a Chinese cook accidently mixed three common kitchen ingredients (black powder): Potassium nitrate or salt petre, sulphur and charcoal and lighted it. The result was colourful flames. The cook also noticed that if the mixture was burned when enclosed in the hollow of a bamboo shoot, there was a tremendous explosion. The first application of this technology was for entertainment. Slowly the theory took roots that this loud sound was perfect to chase away evil spirits and to celebrate weddings, victories in battles, eclipses of moon and religious ceremonies. Once the recipe for black powder was perfected, they found that it was easily used as rocket fuel, and they made hand carved wooden rockets in the shape of a dgoran, in the sixth century. These rockets shot rocket powered arrows from their mouth, and were used against the Mongol invaders of 1279. The principle behind these rockets is still used in rocket powered fireworks today. From China the fireworks moved on to the West, through adventurous explorers. Legend has it that Marco Polo brought this new accidental invention to the West from one of his many trips to China and other eastern countries. Thus the knowledge of making fireworks spread west, through Arabia in the seventh century. The Arabs called the rockets Chinese arrows. The earliest recorded use of gunpowder in England, and probably the western world, is by the Franciscan monk Roger Bacon. He was born in Ilminster in Somerset in 1214 and lived, as a master of languages, maths, optics and alchemy to 1294. He recorded his experiments with a mixture which was very inadequate by todays standards but was recognisable as gunpowder. His formula was very low in saltpetre because there was no natural source available, but it contained the other two essential ingredients: charcoal and sulphur. In 1242 he wrote: "...if you light it you will get thunder and lightening if you know the trick", Fireworks as such probably arrived in the 14th century, brought back from the East by Crusaders, and they rapidly became a form of international entertainment. The first recorded fireworks in England were at the wedding of Henry VII in 1486. They became very popular during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare mentions them and they were so much enjoyed by the Queen herself that she created a "Fire Master of England". James II was so pleased with his coronation display that he knighted his firemaster. King Charles V as well had a great liking for fireworks. He had many 'fireworkers' in his staff. History of Fireworks :: Design and Technology History of Fireworks The birthplace of fireworks is generally recognized as China. It is said that a Chinese cook accidently mixed three common kitchen ingredients (black powder): Potassium nitrate or salt petre, sulphur and charcoal and lighted it. The result was colourful flames. The cook also noticed that if the mixture was burned when enclosed in the hollow of a bamboo shoot, there was a tremendous explosion. The first application of this technology was for entertainment. Slowly the theory took roots that this loud sound was perfect to chase away evil spirits and to celebrate weddings, victories in battles, eclipses of moon and religious ceremonies. Once the recipe for black powder was perfected, they found that it was easily used as rocket fuel, and they made hand carved wooden rockets in the shape of a dgoran, in the sixth century. These rockets shot rocket powered arrows from their mouth, and were used against the Mongol invaders of 1279. The principle behind these rockets is still used in rocket powered fireworks today. From China the fireworks moved on to the West, through adventurous explorers. Legend has it that Marco Polo brought this new accidental invention to the West from one of his many trips to China and other eastern countries. Thus the knowledge of making fireworks spread west, through Arabia in the seventh century. The Arabs called the rockets Chinese arrows. The earliest recorded use of gunpowder in England, and probably the western world, is by the Franciscan monk Roger Bacon. He was born in Ilminster in Somerset in 1214 and lived, as a master of languages, maths, optics and alchemy to 1294. He recorded his experiments with a mixture which was very inadequate by todays standards but was recognisable as gunpowder. His formula was very low in saltpetre because there was no natural source available, but it contained the other two essential ingredients: charcoal and sulphur. In 1242 he wrote: "...if you light it you will get thunder and lightening if you know the trick", Fireworks as such probably arrived in the 14th century, brought back from the East by Crusaders, and they rapidly became a form of international entertainment. The first recorded fireworks in England were at the wedding of Henry VII in 1486. They became very popular during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. Shakespeare mentions them and they were so much enjoyed by the Queen herself that she created a "Fire Master of England". James II was so pleased with his coronation display that he knighted his firemaster. King Charles V as well had a great liking for fireworks. He had many 'fireworkers' in his staff.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Music and Literature Essay
Music and literature have played an important role in our community and society since not only humans but the earth was born. Itââ¬â¢s still a great mystery as to who invented or made music first. But first of all we shouldnââ¬â¢t focus as to when was music made but should see that what actually music is? How to define music has long been the subject of debate; philosophers, musicians, and, more recently, various social and natural scientists have argued about what constitutes music. The definition has varied through history, in different regions, and within societies. Definitions vary as music, like art, is a subjectively perceived phenomenon. Its definition has been tackled by philosophers of art, lexicographers, composers, music critics, musicians, linguists, sociologists, and neurologists. Music may be defined according to various criteria including organization, pleasantness, intent, social construction, perceptual processes and engagement, universal aspects or family resemblances, and through contrast or negative definition. Music is sometime said to be a branch of literature. Now the question stands that what is literature? Literature is the body of all written works; the collected creative writing of a nation, people, group, or culture; all the papers, treatises, etc. published in academic journals on a particular subject. its particularly hard to understand but in simple words literature means a piece of work written deeply form the or whatever your experiences and brain say and to put that experience and the work of brain into a piece of writing. Literature comes from the Latin word literra meaning a piece of writing. Literature has many branches like narrative stories, novels, poems and etc. Music is also a famous branch of literature. There are many music lovers found all over the world. Music is further separated into many other branches e.g. jazz, pop and etc. Music has been with us since the start of our beautiful earth. Music is just an inch away from us always: itââ¬â¢s in the rustling of leafs, the sound of waves hitting the shore, the quite sound that trees make when they sway in the air.
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