Thursday, November 28, 2019

THE SHIPS OF WWII Essays - Philippines, Battleship, Light Cruiser

THE SHIPS OF WWII World War II was the largest naval war in history. It was also the largest air war in history, but that's another story...Ships that fought in the second world war established technology, and patterns that would be used throughout the 20th century. thousands of ideas that would have never been tried on ships during peace time were applied in the then emergency state of the world. Different color writing than black indicates a link, click on it to learn more about. see picture of that topic. . Battleships. Well into the twentieth century Battleships were the most feared vessel in the sea. They were by those days standards very large, weighing in at a minimum of 20,000tons. Their armor was enormous in some cases 12 inch thick belts of steel along their sides! They were armed with 8 to 12 of the heaviest caliber cannon possible the largest of these were18.1 inchers that shot shells that weighed 3,200 lbs. To counter the threat of surface attack from light and extremely fast torpedoe boats was countered with a secondary armament, the mini gun. Which today has evolved into the phalanx gun system, which is a last resort point-defense weapon. There are three main types of battleships. The lightest of these being the battlecruiser. These were usually very light and therebye very fast. To obtain this maneuverability, they gave up a lot of armor, although they still had a deadly armament. These forms of battleships proved very unaffective. They were too light to do battle with a true battleship. and their speed mattered not against aircraft. Plus they were very expensive because of the engines, and light weight material they used. Thus, making them not only an east target, but a good one too. By the end of the war, only 1 of the 40 or so of these ships that were built was still in service. Next up from these we have the battleship battleships. These were the regular old descendents of the ship of the line, back from the day of Admiral Nelson, and John Paul Jones. They usuall weighed from 17,000 tons to 21,000. They were of medium armor, medium speed, and medium armament. But one must keep in mind that they were anything but a medium/normal ship. These ships were before the age of the carrier, the second most feared ship on the seas, as they carried roughly a dozen 12 inchers, and 1/2 a dozen 5 inchers. One step above this, and the king of all kings was the battlewagons. These were the equivelant of the 19th century Flag Ship. They were expensive, big, and could take an unbelievable amount of damage without going down. The two/three most famous of these were the USS Iowa, and the JIN(Japanese Imperial Navy)Yamato. 4 Yamato class battleships were scheduled to be made, but only 2 were, before the japanes realized that for the same price they could have 3 Shimanto class carriers including planes. The Yamato was 244 (800ft, 2 1/2)football fields meters long, had 9 18.1 inch guns! 12 6.1 inchers, for use against smaller, quicker ships, and 12 5 inchers, foruse as an Anti Aircraft, or Surface gun. Its crew was 2,500 strong. And it had 16.1 inch thick armor belting around its waterline. The Yamato class battleships are the biggest ever made. But they were not the best. The best was the USS Iowa. which was the last battleship ever to fire a shot in time of war. Doing so in the Persian Gulf as a part of Operation Desert Storm. The Uss Iowa was longer than the Yamato, went 7 knots faster (32 knots) and at the same time had roughly the same armament, and armor(a little smaller in both categories...9 16inchers, 13 inch belt). Cruisers Cruisers were and are the descendant of frigayes from the navies of past. Cruisers were much smaller than Battleships, but at the same time 2 or 3 times larger than a destroyer. Cruisers more than anything were to show the flag in places where locals needed to be impressed, as they otherwise did not have near as well defined role as the battleships, or destroyers. Their only real

Sunday, November 24, 2019

In response to hijackings and terrorists attacks essays

In response to hijackings and terrorists attacks essays The democratic values involved here are, liberty in the fact that your privacy is stripped from you every time your baggage is x-rayed. Equality comes to mind when they do random searches, they have to use some kind of profiling to pick the people to search. Although these civil rights are violated they keep the participation fairly equal as everybody has to walk through the metal detectors and nobody flies with out doing so. liberty had been the single most important value in American history. America was founded on the fact that we would have liberty and be free do as we please. We need freedom for us to prosper and grow. all men are created equal This right here says it all, we need equality to evolve into better citizens to be all we can be. When some one is not treated equal that brings them down and stifles there opportunity to grow. The amount of liberty we have at the airports is so limited that nothing is sacred anymore. When I say this I mean you cant hide anything personal from airport security. Your personal privacy is traded off for your security. I would rather have security that freedom. When you have more freedom, you have more responsibilities. So in the airport if you had a lot of freedom you would also have to worry about getting mugged, the plane your riding getting hijacked, what the guy next to you really has in his pockets , etc.. The most involved democratic values used her is equality. When I go through a security checkpoint in a airport I feel violated when I am randomly asked to take off my shoes and belongings out of my pockets. I dont believe its fair that since Im a teenager I should be checked more than anyone else. That goes for racial profiling with Arabic people, I bet they get searched twice as much as I do. My view on this is that there should be full equality, either everybody gets thoroughly searched, or nobody gets searc...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case study Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Case study - Coursework Example Since the inception of Amazon, its vision has always been consistent. The vision has been to provide the biggest selection in the world, as well as being the most customer centered (centric) company. These core proposition are communicated both online and offline. The pricing proposition entails the strategy of daily low pricing technique by not offering discounts to a small number of products within a particular period of time. The offer is on low prices and it is applied to all the ranges of products offered. Gregg (2012) illuminates that one of the communication avenues that have contributed to the success of Amazon is the use of Bing. Bing is a default search engine embedded in the Amazon browser especially in the kindle tablets. The other browsers that serve as alternatives to the Bing are Dolphin, Opera, and Maxthon. Majority installed the Bing as a silk browser. The Bing browser allows online shopping of a wide and wild selection of magazines, books, DVDs, Music, Video, comput ers, electronics, apparels, and jewelry among many other products. Mark (2010) explains that the Amazon also utilizes the Yahoo browsers just like Bing in the communication and promotion of products. On the other hand, the use of Google is majorly for the retail of books, home items, as well as garden in general. Yahoo and Bing sometimes appear to be similar in the communication technique. However, for Google, it is slightly different on how it communicates the core proposition despite the fact that the three communicate the basic propositions highlighted earlier. In addition to the above discussed avenues, core propositions are also communicated in the Amazon website called (Chaffey, 2005). In this website, they are not presented in the sentence list format but are listed in form of departments. Clients are usually directed to the websites through various online targeted marketing avenues such as sponsored search,

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ethics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 17

Ethics - Essay Example Severance packages or early retirement options as a method of reducing payroll costs can have severe consequences on the organization, especially in terms of motivation to work to business expectations. Even though the package was tempting to the exiting employee and they decided to take it, there are members of the organization who have worked with these exiting colleagues each and every workday. Socialization is bound to be impacted, in relation to the employees’ sense of belonging in the organization, creating difficulty in adjustment for the remaining workers. The HR manager is often the person who develops and offers these early retirement plans, under pressure at the highest levels, and they must also balance their regular job role as the employee champion responsible for issues of motivation and performance. Sudden drops in employee volume, due to the need to cut payroll costs, can over-burden the workers with consolidated jobs roles and create rifts where positive soci alization used to exist. â€Å"Layoffs can send shock waves through a local economy when a company that downsizes is large and when several firms choose to downsize at the same time, in the same region† (Piturro, 1999, p.39). These shock waves can be measured by the higher levels of unemployment in the local area, along with less-quality consumer lifestyles caused by income reductions, as well as loss of commerce at multiple levels, consumer and business-to-business. Early retirement packages are attempts at avoiding situations where local economies suffer, where employees are given incentives to take the option (as far as satisfying their emotional needs), and to improve the company’s bottom line. This is a major benefit, rather than the disadvantages which were discussed earlier, because it reduces the shock waves which often occur when

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Dante's Inferno Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Dante's Inferno - Essay Example In his journey, he met three animals – leopard, lion and wolf. At a glance, it just seemed that these animals were plain predators that would cause harm to the narrator. However, these animals are symbols of the forms of sin. The leopard symbolizes sins of self-indulgence or lust. This form of sin is the easiest to commit. Naturally, humans seek pleasure, extravagant and sometimes greedy which are often sins of youth. The sin of bestial violence is represented by the lion. These are sins of adulthood, one of which is pride. The wolf represents malicious sins or the sins of age (Davis 2006). The poem illustrated the different levels of hell which corresponds to a particular sin. Beginning in Canto IV, the first circle is the Limbo where sighs were mostly heard is described as peaceful, yet sad. The souls in this were those people who are good but were not baptized. In the Catholic religion, one has yet to be baptized for the original sin (sin of Adam and Eve) to be forgiven. I am truly torn about this particular punishment because I also believe that if one is not baptized, one is not a part of the Christian world. In this case, since God has three entities – the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost- God is Christ and if you are not a Christian, there is no place for you in heaven or in paradise. On the other hand, logic tells me that there are non-Christians who are more deserving than Christians, and in this perspective it is not fair. The second circle is where the lustful are tortured; but the punishment is still considered as mild because lust is closely assoc iated with love and therefore is viewed with compassion. The third circle of hell was smaller, filled with cold and heavy with dirty rain. This circle is surrounded by new suffering with souls unhappily lain in the filthy mud, tormented by the three-headed doglike demon Cerberus. These were the

Friday, November 15, 2019

Distinction Between Marginal Cost And Incremental Cost Economics Essay

Distinction Between Marginal Cost And Incremental Cost Economics Essay 2) (a) What is the distinction between marginal cost and incremental cost? (b) How are sunk costs treated in managerial decision making? Why (a)Incremental costs are closely related to the concept of marginal cost but with a relatively wider connotation. While marginal cost refers to the change in total cost resulting from producing an additional unit of output, incremental cost refers to total additional cost associated with the decision to expand output or to add a new variety of product etc. It represents the difference between two alternatives. So both are concerned with the change in the total cost where marginal costs refers to the increase or decrease in that results from producing or distributing an additional unit of output and, incremental cost refers to the change in the total output as a result of change in the methods of production or distribution such as addition of a product or territory, use of improved technology or selection of a additional sales channel. (b)A sunk cost is a cost that has been already incurred and cannot be changed or altered by any decision made now or in future. For example , once it is decided to make incremental investment expenditure and funds are allocated and spent, all preceding cost are considered as sunk cost. Such cost are based on prior commitment and cannot be revised or recovered when there is a change in market condition or in business decision makings. The sunk cost are ignored in managerial decision making as they are irrelevant costs which will not affect the decision. Suppose a company paid $50000 to purchase machinery five years back. The machine was used to produce for last few years and now it is obsolete and no longer can be sold .The amount paid is already incurred and cannot be recovered. So the cost of the obsolete machine will not be considered in making managerial decisions. (8) What shape of the LAC curve has been found in many empirical studies? What does this mean for the survival of small firms in the industry? Answer: In the empirical studies the shape of long run average cost curve to be L-shaped with a scale of economics . This means largest firms tend to have cost advantage and the industry tends to become monopoly which is called natural monopoly. The L-shaped shows that per unit producing a product decline initially and then forms L- shaped which cost advantage for longer period resulting to economies of scale due to optimum utilization of recourses. It was believed that economics outstrips diseconomies of scale as firms expand from small size up to a certain size. For the smaller firms in the industry will face diseconomies of scale and no economic profit as there will be lesser amount of recourses and output level.As marginal cost are raising function of rate of out and falling function of the volume. (9) (a) What is the meaning of economies of scope? How do they differ from economies of scale? (b) What do learning curves show? How do they differ from economies of scale? What is the usefulness of learning curves as a managerial tool? What is the reason for rising international trade in inputs and the use of foreign skilled labor? Answer: (a) Economies of scope exist if a firm can produce several product lines at a given output level more cheaply than a combination of separate firms each producing a single product at the same output level. Economies of scope occur where it is cheaper to produce a  wider range of products  rather than specialize in just a handful of products. Expanding the product range to  exploit the value of existing brands  is a good way of exploiting economies of scope. E.g. Amazon expanding into selling toys, sports goods or McDonalds expanding the range of their products to include salads and health foods. Economies of scope is relatively a new approach to business strategy, and is heavily based on the development of high technology. Economies of scale are reductions in average costs imputable to production volume increases. Economies of scope differ from economies of scale in that a firm receives a cost advantage by producing a complementary variety of products with a concentration on a core competency. While economies of scope and scale are often positively correlated and interdependent, strictly speaking the benefits from scope have little to do with the size of output. (b)The aircraft industry was the first to develop the learning curve. The curve that represents the declining trend in the long run average cost of production is called the learning curve. Economies of scale is the are the reduction in average cost as the result of increase in production volume whereas learning curve shows the graphical presentation of the falling average cost curve with respect to increase in production. The learning curve is widely used by business managers and serves as an important managerial tool to foresee and predict the possible trend in long run average cost of production and plan production accordingly. The basic purpose behind the use learning curve is to forecast the unit cost with cumulative increase in output. It is also used to forecast manpower, machinery, material needs of the company, to determine and quote the future competitive price of the product and for planning production. (c) International trade is the exchange of goods, services and capital across the international territory or borders. The use of foreign labor will be more costly due to the reason that borders imposes additional costs such as tariffs , time costs due to border delays and costs associated country difference . A rise in the use of foreign skilled labor will have a direct impact in the international trade resulting in an increase in the imports which may affect the balance of trade. Chapter 7 Problems 2) Given the following total cost schedule of a firm, (a) derive the total fixed cost and total variable cost schedule of the firm, and from them derive the average fixed cost, average variable cost, average total cost, and marginal cost schedules of the firm. Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 TC $30 50 60 81 118 180 Answer: Total cost = Total fixed cost +Total variable cost Marginal cost= Total cost of producing additional unit total cost of producing the previous unit. Average variable cost=Total variable cost/Number of units Average fixed cost=Total fixed cost / Number of units Total average cost=Average fixed cost + Average variable cost Q 0 1 2 3 4 5 TC $30 50 60 81 118 180 TFC $30 30 30 30 30 3 TVC $0 20 30 51 88 150 MC $ 20 10 21 37 62 ATC $ 50 30 27 29.5 36 AFC $ 30 15 10 7.5 6 AVC $ 20 15 17 22 36 3) Airway Express has an evening flight from Los Angeles to New York with an average of 80 passengers and a return flight the next afternoon with an average of 50 passengers. The plan makes no other trip. The charge for the plane remaining in New York overnight is $1,200 and would be $0 in Los Angeles. The airline is considering eliminating the night flight out of Los Angeles and replacing it with a morning flight. The estimated number of passengers is 70 in the morning flight and 50 in the return afternoon flight. The one-way ticket is $200 for any flight. The operating cost of the plane for each flight is $11,000. The fixed costs for the plane are $3000 a day whether it flies or not. 3(a): Please calculate and compare the profit under each flight. 3(b) is asking should Airway Express continue providing the flight between Los Angeles and New York. Even Airway Express decides not to fly, it still have to pay the fixed costs of $3,000 per day. Answer-Given, Cost of the ticket =$200 Operating cost =$11,000 Fixed cost=$3000 Overnight charge=$1,200 Total cost = $11,000+$3,000+$1,200=$15,200 I. Profit for the evening flight from Los Angeles to New York which has average passengers of 80 and cost of the tickets is given as $200 so the average revenue will be $16,000. Profit=Revenue-Cost $16,000-$15,200 $800 Thus, average Profit for the flight is $800 II. Profit for the afternoon flight next day from New York to Los Angeles carrying average passengers of 50, so the average revenue will be $10000 Profit=$10,000 -$15,200 -5,200 The fight is showing average loss of $5,200 III. Profit for the morning flight eliminating with the night flight from Los Angeles to New York carrying an average passengers of 70, the revenue will be $14,000. Cost of operation =fixed cost + operating cost $3,000+$11,000 $14000 Profit=Revenue earned cost incurred $14000 $14000 $0 The flight is nor earning average profit or average loss. IV. Profit for the afternoon flight from New York to Los Angeles with estimated passengers of 50, the revenue will be $10,000 Profit=$10,000-$14000 $4000 The flight is incurring loss of $4000. (b)The Airway express flying evening flight from Los Angeles is earning a profit of $800 with average passengers of 80 and whereas incurring loss of $5,200 in the return trip. In the next case, the airline is making no profit and no loss in the morning flight from Los Angeles to New York, whereas making a loss of $4000 in the return trip . The airline should discontinue providing flights between Los Angeles and New York. Although, it has a fixed cost of $3000 per day which come to $90,000 but the airline will be incurring huge cost of $14000 per day which comes to $42, 00,000 in a month. So it would be a better option to discontinue the operation of the airline from Los Angeles to New York. 4) Electric utility companies usually operate their most modern and efficient equipment continuously (i.e. around the clock) and use their older less efficient equipment only to meet periods of peak demand. 4(a) Will the short-run marginal cost decrease or increase? Answer: Electric Utility firms retire old plants, modernize generating units, and occasionally build new plants, generally after a lengthy period of licensing, regulatory review, and construction. But this not possible in short run as in short run there are fixed factors which cannot be changed in short run as they tend to use their older less efficient equipment to meet the periods of peak demand. In Electric utility companies variable cost consist mainly energy costs. Fixed cost are the cost which cannot be changed with the level of output and in electric utility companies fixed are analogues to capacity cost. As a result the marginal cost in the short run decreases . The reason is the marginal cost curve will turn up when utility will be forced to less efficient during on peak-periods. 11) The Goldberg-Scheinman Publishing Company is publishing a new managerial economics text for which it has estimated the following total fixed and average variable costs: Total fixed costs: Copy editing $10,000 Typesetting $70,000 Selling and promotion $20,000 Total fixed cost $100,000 Average Variable cost: Printing and binding $6 Administrative costs $2 Sales commission $1 Bookstore discounts $7 Authors royalties $4 Average variable cost $20 Project selling price $30 Determine the breakeven output and total sales revenues. (b) Determine the output that would generate a total profit of $60,000 and the total sales revenues at that output level. Answer: (a)At the breakeven point is the point where cost and revenue are equal. Calculations: Breakeven point (sales) =Fixed cost/(Selling price -Variable cost) =$100,000/($30-$20) =$10,000 Breakeven output=$10,000/$30 =333.3 units (b)Sales=Variable cost + fixed cost +profit =$20+$100000+$60000 =$160020 Output level-$160020/$30 =5334 units. Chapter 8 Discussion 2) (a) Under what conditions should a firm continue to produce in the short run if it incurs losses at the best level of output? (b) Are the normal returns on investment included as part of costs or as part of profits in managerial economics? Why Answer: In short run, there is only one variable input (labor) and other inputs (especially capital) are held constant. In other words, the size of labor may increase or decrease but the capital and other inputs will remain fixed. If the Incurs losses at its best level of output then, the firm should try to reduce marginal cost and operate at the level where marginal and average product are positive or increasing. If price falls below average total cost, but remains above average variable cost, the firm will continue to operate in the short run, producing the quantity where  MR  =  MC  doing so minimizes its losses. Whereas If price falls below average variable cost, the firm will shut down in the short run, reducing output to zero. The lowest point on the average variable cost curve is called the shutdown point. (b)Normal returns on investment is also referred as normal profit, is the level of profit required to keep the engaged in a particular activity .The normal rate of return is the Average profit necessary to attract and retain investment .A normal rate of return, or profit, is necessary to induce individuals to invest funds rather than spend them for current consumption. Normal profit is simply a cost for capital as it is no different from the cost of other recourses (materials, energy or labor).As a result , the normal rate of return are included as a part of cost in managerial economics. 8) What happen to the Dollar price that a U.S. (a) importer pays and (b) exporter receives if prices are agreed in Euros and the Dollar then appreciates by 10 percent with respect to the Euro? Answer: The exchange rate is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another. If the importer pays i.e. in dollars to the foreign country and the value of the foreign country currency is devalued the dollar value of promised payment will fall. Whereas if the foreign currency value appreciates the dollar value of the promised payment will rise resulting to a disfavor to the importer country. If prices are agreed in Euros and the Dollar then appreciates by 10 percent with respect to the Euro and the exporters pay, the value of the promised payment will fall. 13) (a) What are the choice-related variables for a firm under monopolistic competition? (b) What is non-price competition? (c) Product Variation? (d) Selling expenses? Answer: (a)Monopolistic competition is defined as market setting in which large number of sellers sells differentiated products. A firm will produce output where MR=MC. The consumers are willing to purchase given amount of product for the given price. The price is determined by demand curve. In short run firms can give positive profits .Positive profits encourages new firms to enter in the market. In the long run due to the entrance of new firms economic profit is zero i.e. P=AC. The main objective of firms under monopolistic competition is profit maximization. (b)Non price competition- The market situation in which firms or the competitors will not lower the price for a fear of price war. So, instead they focus on extensive promotion to highlight distinctive features or benefit of the products. It refers to the competition among firms that choose to distinguish between their products on the basis of attribute, design are non price means e.g. promotions, style etc. It is often used by firms that want to differentiate between virtually identical products. The reason for this is that firms are that operate in monopolistic competition are the price taker as they do not have the influence in changing the price of their goods. Consequently to distinguish themselves they use the strategy of non price such as product innovation and advertisement. (c) Product variations-Product variation is the change in the product properties or features in timing. For example, passenger cars companies bring new models out in the exiting classs e.g. Gulf I, gulf II. Product variation is the modification by changing one or more features of the product to enhance consumer appeal .It will provide a competitive advantage as the company may be able to charge a higher price and enhance loyalty. The variation is made on quality, performance and design. The product variation is, thus, the improvements in the existing product line with new features, appearance, better quality, better performance etc giving a new outlook to it. (d)Selling expenses-Selling expenses are the part of operating expenses along with administrative expenses. Selling expense is the cost incurred to sell or distribute merchandise .Selling expenses includes advertising, sales commission, promotional materials distributed, salaries and fringe benefits of sales personnel , rent of sales office, utilities usage in the sales department. Chapter 8 Problems:- 2) Starting with the market demand and supply functions in Problem 1, determine algebraically the new equilibrium price and quantity if the demand function changes to QD= 12,000- 1,000P or to QD= 8,000- 1,000P. (b) the market supply function changes to QS*= -4,000+1,000P or to QS**= 1,000P. Solution: We know , at the equilibrium point Quantity supplied equals quantity demanded i.e. QD=QS or QS=QD We have, QD=10000-1000P QS= -2000-1000P If demand function changes to QD=12000-1000P or QD=8000-1000 We get , 12000-1000P=2000-1000P -1000P+1000P= -12000P-2000P P = 12000 P= 12000 The new equilibrium price will be $12000 BY substituting the value of P in the demand function and supply function, 12000-1000(12000)=-2000-1000(12000) 12000-120,00,000= -2000-120,00,000 14000 The new equilibrium quantity is 14000 For market supply function, QS= 4000 +1000P or QS=1000P Now, the equation will be 10000-1000P=-4000+1000P -1000P-1000P= -4000- 10000 -P= -14000 P=14000 The equilibrium price is $16000 By substituting the value of P, will be , 10000-1000P=1000P 10000-1000(16000)=-4000+1000(16000) 10000-140,00,000=-4000+140,00,000 6000 The equilibrium quantity will be 6000 7) From Figure 8-4, determine the effect of a 33 percent import tariff on commodity X. * The tariff-inclusive price will be $3(1+.33) = $4. What are the impacts of tariff on domestic consumption, domestic production, imports, and governments tariff revenue? Please show the numbers, for example, the domestic consumption will decrease from 600X to 500X. Solution: The tariff inclusive price will be $3(1+.33)=$4 , the price of the commodity will be $4 and as a result the price of the commodity X will rise from $3 to $4.Tariff is a tax added to the costs imported goods and sometimes to exported goods. The domestic consumption will decrease due to the addition of tariff which will result to an increase in the price of the commodity. As the price of the commodity will increase, the demand for the commodity will decline which will result in a reduction in consumption from 600X to 500X. The domestic production will increase as the producers in the importing country will experience an increase in well-being as a result of tariff from 200X to 300X. The increase in the price of their product on the domestic market increases producer surplus in the industry. The government tariffs revenue will increase as a result of increase in tariffs as governments receives the tariff and also depends on the way how the government spends. 9) Starting from Figure 8-6 showing the short-run price and output determination by the monopolist, suppose that the average fixed costs of the monopolist increase by $5 and that its AVC is $6 less than the new ATC at the best level of output. ATC=AFC+AVC. After AFC increases by $5, ATC will increase by $5 (ATC curve moves up vertically by $5 for every output Q) and MC, D and MR stay the same. The AFC for 500 units is $6, in other words, the TFC is $3,000. Answer: Average total cost-Average fixed cost + Average variable cost Given ATC=$8, a increase in average fixed cost $5 and AVC is $6 less then, After the increase in AFC the ATC will be appreciated by $5 as a result of this ATC curve will move upwards vertically by $5 for every level of output. The best level of out is where MC=MR which is 500 units. AFC for best level of output i.e. 500 is $6 and TFC is $30,000.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Intelligent Minds :: essays research papers

I am a twenty something male. most whom live in this town have no idea that i exist or am aware that i am even here. I have lived here for little less than four years. my name is tanner l. beltran. that is as far as i know of who i am.a label a person gave to me upon birth. a struggle of finding myself, knowing my identity as a person and my place in this life, are completely unkown to me. day to day i seek for this answer, finding it nill. to be quite frank, i have not graduated high school. I attempted going back to finish my ''much needed to survive this candy-land extistence'' education which was quite minimal in gaining for i had only 3 credits needed to obtain a peice of glorified paper that states i completed requirements to become proficient in facing the real world. Without any idea of who you are and what you are supposed to do in life, it may seem coping with this so called 'reality' is harsh.For me it is. struggling for identity and self acceptance from others, facing inner compications that only add to my horror that i may never figure out my own life. to quote Grace Hansen ''Dont be a fraid your life will end; be afraid that it will never begin.'' this is something that i am deathly afraid of; afraid i will i fail the one person who cherishes who i am to her. But in all I feel I am failing my self. And that takes away all my hope to ever succeed.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  You see the prominent people never believed in me or had faith in my abilities. At least not the ones that should have. They faltered in early judgement of me at quite an early age. I feel it has been that inflicted inhibition that makes me fear failure more than being alive. that judgement makes finding myself brutally agonizing. In additon to this loss of mistaken identity of who I think I am, finding what I am supposed to do in my existent as a person of this nation falling to all hell, I need a piece of paper that states I meet requisetes to pursue any given career. Why do I need that piece of paper? What is its nominal meaning? What does it represent?

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Linguistic Reading Response Paper on “The Celtic Languages”

It is interesting to note that the term ‘Celt’ is a linguistic term first mentioned in the writings of Greek and Roman ethnographers and historians (MacAulay, p. 2). My idea of the concept is that of a particular people with a distinct language who once inhabited Great Britain. It turns out that this language, generally known as Continental Celtic, has a range of dialects once spread out across the various peoples of Europe such as in Gaul and northern Italy, yet died out on the European continent a few centuries back. Celtic survived however, in the British Isles and in Ireland, which is quite a feat given the dominance of Latin and later English settlements. In terms of linguistic affinities, Celtic is recognized as an Indo-European language though it is of interest to note that experts regard it as having archaic features (MacAulay, p. 3), i.e. its lack of a fully developed infinitive, differentiation of gender in numerals 3 and 4, among others, sometimes attributed to its being a ‘peripheral’ language removed from an innovating center. Variations between the Celtic languages, i.e. Continental and Insular, appear to be a convoluted matter best left to linguists. Ultimately the evolved form of the modern Celtic languages has special typological features which are both archaic (conservative) and innovative. Locative structures used to express location and possession are utilized to express aspectual modes, which in turn cover the range of progressive, prospective and perfective aspects in Scottish Gaelic, Welsh, and optionally in British (MacAulay, p. 6). On the other hand, Breton and Irish have innovated based on their majority contact languages French and English, to develop new perfective constructions, as contact with these languages is a primary accelerating source of innovation in Celtic tongues. Thus, languages continue to evolve as its speakers, in the course of their interaction with those of other cultures, are exposed to foreign influences in the on-going social interface between peoples and nations in an increasingly globalizing world. Linguistic Response Paper on the â€Å"Creole Continuum† The so-called ‘Creole continuum‘ evolve in situations in which a creole coexists with its lexical source language and there is social motivation for creole speakers to acquire the standard so that the speech of individuals takes on features of the latter – or avoids features of the former – to varying degrees (p. 50). Considering that linguists for a long time were unsure on how to classify varieties with both creole and non-creole features, particularly the English-based varieties of the West Indies, it appears significant to consider that among the many Negro slaves in different parts of America, the jargon upon becoming the only language of the subject group, is a creolized language considered inferior to the masters’ speech yet nonetheless subject to constant leveling-out and improvement in the direction of the latter (Bloomfield, 1933, p. 474). Linguists such as DeCamp attempted to work out a theoretical model that could deal with variation in a sufficiently rigorous manner, in reaction to the transformational generative grammar coming to dominate American linguistics. The general usefulness of the continuum model gained wide acceptance by the mid-1970s, yet it is true that it fails to explain why Atlantic creoles in particular share so many structural features not found in their different lexical source languages (p. 58). Thus the shift back into a universalist theory giving primacy to language acquisition. Chomsky (1965) had proposed that children were born with a predisposition to recognize certain universal properties of language that facilitated their acquisition of the language of their particular speech community (p. 58). Yet such an assertion is still open to scholarly debate and argumentation. It would thus appear that the answer to the creole question remains elusive, despite advances in linguistic studies and theory. References MacAulay, Donald. â€Å"The Celtic languages: an overview†

Friday, November 8, 2019

Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein

In the story Frankenstein and Milton’s epic Paradise Lost there are beings of enormous power. We often times give them the name gods. In Paradise Lost Milton’s god is the same God we all believe to be the one creator. The God who created Satan and booted him out of heaven. Through many a dark and dreary vale they passed, and many a region dolorous, o’er many a frozen, many a fiery alp, rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, a universe of death, which God by curse created evil, for evil only good, where all life dies, death lives, and Nature breeds, perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, abominable, inutterable, and worse than fables yet have feigned, or fear conceived, gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. (Milton lines 618-628) In Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of god and creates his own devil. Milton’s Satan had the idea of fun. He liked fun and fun got him kicked out of heaven. That’s when he got the idea that he would try his hardest to corrupt all of God’s creations. Satan does become successful as we read about Adam and Eve. He is able to tempt Eve with the fruit that in turn later gives it to Adam. Frankenstein created his own Satan, which later turned on him. His creation later basically corrupts his life by destroying it. Dr. Frankenstein becomes sorry for ever creating such a creature. Satan continues to fight against God. He seems to start off strong in his attempts to corrupt God’s creations. God always remains strong while Satan seems to wind down like a clock. What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what else is not to be overcome? (Milton lines 105-109) Here Satan and his followers just get booted out of heaven for â€Å"shaking† God’s throne, and he sounds all fired up to go and make the best of the situation that appears hopele... Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein Free Essays on Paradise Lost & Frankenstein In the story Frankenstein and Milton’s epic Paradise Lost there are beings of enormous power. We often times give them the name gods. In Paradise Lost Milton’s god is the same God we all believe to be the one creator. The God who created Satan and booted him out of heaven. Through many a dark and dreary vale they passed, and many a region dolorous, o’er many a frozen, many a fiery alp, rocks, caves, lakes, fens, bogs, dens, and shades of death, a universe of death, which God by curse created evil, for evil only good, where all life dies, death lives, and Nature breeds, perverse, all monstrous, all prodigious things, abominable, inutterable, and worse than fables yet have feigned, or fear conceived, gorgons and Hydras, and Chimeras dire. (Milton lines 618-628) In Frankenstein, Dr. Frankenstein assumes the role of god and creates his own devil. Milton’s Satan had the idea of fun. He liked fun and fun got him kicked out of heaven. That’s when he got the idea that he would try his hardest to corrupt all of God’s creations. Satan does become successful as we read about Adam and Eve. He is able to tempt Eve with the fruit that in turn later gives it to Adam. Frankenstein created his own Satan, which later turned on him. His creation later basically corrupts his life by destroying it. Dr. Frankenstein becomes sorry for ever creating such a creature. Satan continues to fight against God. He seems to start off strong in his attempts to corrupt God’s creations. God always remains strong while Satan seems to wind down like a clock. What though the field be lost? All is not lost; the unconquerable will, and study of revenge, immortal hate, and courage never to submit or yield: and what else is not to be overcome? (Milton lines 105-109) Here Satan and his followers just get booted out of heaven for â€Å"shaking† God’s throne, and he sounds all fired up to go and make the best of the situation that appears hopele...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Qu hacer cuando la ESTA para viajar a USA es rechazada

Qu hacer cuando la ESTA para viajar a USA es rechazada Los espaà ±oles y los chilenos, entre otras nacionalidades, pueden viajar sin visa a EEUU. Si llegan por aire o mar deben solicitar previamente por internet la autorizacià ³n que se conoce como ESTA, por sus siglas en inglà ©s. Pero puede suceder que la ESTA no sea aprobada o que sea revocada. En este artà ­culo se explica quà © hacer si el viaje no es autorizado a embarcar. Quà © es la ESTA La ESTA  es una autorizacià ³n electrà ³nica que permite a los ciudadanos de ciertos paà ­ses a viajar sin visa a Estados Unidos por un mximo de 90 dà ­as no que no se pueden alargar y cuando el objeto del viaje es hacer turismo, negocios o recibir atencià ³n mà ©dica. Este es el listado completo de paà ­ses cuyos ciudadanos pueden viajar sin visa. Verificar ese enlace para informarse sobre las nuevas reglas que afectan a los ciudadanos de esos paà ­ses con doble nacionalidad con ciertos estados y tambià ©n a los que han viajado a paà ­ses considerados problemticos. Adems tener en cuenta que podrà ­an viajar con la ESTA los ciudadanos de otro paà ­s en el que viven habitualmente pero que por la razà ³n que fuera, como por ejemplo por herencia de sus padres, tienen tambià ©n el pasaporte de uno de esos paà ­ses. Resultados que se pueden obtener al llenar el formulario de  la ESTA La ESTA se rellena por internet  en la pgina official del gobierno americano. Generalmente el resultado se conoce al momento y puede ser de tres tipos: Viaje autorizado. En este caso ya se puede viajar por aire o mar. Hay que tener un billete de ida y vuelta y se recomienda imprimir la autorizacià ³n porque contiene el nà ºmero de solicitud, que puede hacer falta posteriormente. Aunque la  aerolà ­nea no lo necesita, ya que el Departamento de Estado es la que se encarga de notificarla de que una determinada persona est autorizada a embarcar hacia Estados Unidos, algunas insisten en pedirlo.Autorizacià ³n pendiente. En este caso, volver a entrar en la pgina web pasadas 72 horas y se ver el resultado definitivo.Viaje no autorizado. Esto le puede pasar incluso a las celebridades de fama internacional, cuya causa ms comà ºn para no aprobase su ESTA o su visa es el consumo de drogas. Quà © hacer si la ESTA seà ±ala que el viaje no es autorizado Llenar un formulario para iniciar el proceso para solicitar una  visa de turista que se tramitar en la embajada o consulado correspondiente. El  oficial a cargo tendr la à ºltima palabra para decidir  si la concede o rechaza la peticià ³n. En este à ºltimo caso, y dependiendo de la razà ³n, ser posible solicitar un perdà ³n o waiver para los casos de inadmisibilidad. Sin embargo, para las razones que convierten a una persona en inelegible no hay posibilidad de pedir perdà ³n. Cules son las razones por las que la ESTA no autoriza el viaje Las razones pueden ser varias, como haber estado previamente en Estados Unidos y no salir a tiempo, aunque el retraso sea de sà ³lo unas horas. Tambià ©n puede haberse dado el caso de que se hubiera impedido el ingreso en una fecha anterior, por razones varias, como por ejemplo, por estar ingresando con demasiada frecuencia.   Tambià ©n puede ser porque previamente se ha denegado una visa, esto es relativamente comà ºn en el caso de personas con doble nacionalidad, que piden un visado con un pasaporte y cuando es rechazado intentan viajar a EEUU con el pasaporte espaà ±ol y la ESTA. Otra causa puede ser la condena por determinado tipo de delitos u otras muchas causas que hacen a una persona inadmisible para entrar a USA.   Por à ºltimo la ESTA puede negarse o el ingreso a Estados Unidos cuando se viaja con dicha autorizacià ³n cuando la intencià ³n de su titular es casarse en el paà ­s con un ciudadano americano o con un residente permanente legal y quedarse mientras se arreglan los papeles mediante el denominado ajuste de estatus. Y es que la intencià ³n con la ESTA no puede ser casarse. Y si bien es cierto que actualmente se permite un camino para que puedan arreglar los papeles las personas que se casan en Estados Unidos con estatus de turista, no es menos cierto que hay muchos problemas si no se respetan ciertos plazos. A tener muy en cuenta El fin de viajar a EEUU sin visa es turismo, negocios o atencià ³n mà ©dica. Por lo tanto, las personas que la utilizan para estudiar inglà ©s a tiempo completo por unas semanas tienen que saber que se arriesgan a tener problemas migratorios, porque no estn cumpliendo con la ley. Les corresponde una visa de estudiante.Asimismo, los periodistas, artistas, actores y atletas que desean viajar a EEUU por motivos profesionales deben pedir sus visas correspondientes.  Por supuesto que si se ingresa a Estados Unidos con una ESTA no se puede trabajar. Si se hace, se est cometiendo una violacià ³n migratoria que, si se descubre o se sospecha, puede tener consecuencias graves.En realidad, tampoco se puede ingresar al paà ­s con una ESTA cuando la intencià ³n es buscar trabajo. La intencià ³n es, afectos de leyes migratorias, muy importante ya que si las autoridades creen que existà ­a esa intencià ³n puede haber problemas.Tener una ESTA no garantiza la entrada en Estados Unidos. Al llegar a las Aduanas y Fronteras el oficial de inmigracià ³n tiene la à ºltima palabra para decidir quià ©n entra. Es importante saber que en la actualidad una de las causas principales  por la que se deniega la entrada en las aduanas es que van a estudiar y para eso necesitan una visa que no tienen. Recomendacià ³n para aprender jugando Toma este test de respuestas mà ºltiples para asegurarte de que sabes lo fundamental sobre viajar sin Visa. Porque el conocimiento es la mejor forma de evitar problemas. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Dust storm in China Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Dust storm in China - Research Paper Example He, indeed, has showed an aversion to industrially produced because of the biological, chemical and industrial pathogens which can cause serious diseases and grave illness. Therefore, he prefers personally foraged food produced in natural setting. But in this industrial age, since industrially produced foods are much cheaper than the foods produced in a natural setting, modern people are in a dilemma whether they should eat those organic/ personally foraged foods which are â€Å"floating on a sinking sea of petroleum† or not. But the question which arises here is: Is Michael Pollan aware of the fact that the nature itself has been polluted with the man-made chemical and biological industry? Natural disasters like dust storm in China have showed ample evidences in support of this claim that nature itself has been severely polluted by chemical and biological pollutants. Therefore, Pollan’s hope to get pollution free food from nature is also diminishing day by day. The Ind ustrial and Chemical Pollutants in the Dust Storm in China Dust storm in China is considered as a natural and meteorological event which occurs normally in the arid and semi-arid areas of the world. It is caused by a gust of wind which blows dust particles, sands and dirt from the dry plains. Dust storm ferries these particles with a geographical process of transportation, called â€Å"saltation and suspension† which involves moving the dust particles from one place to another through the air. It may occur in any part of the world where there are vast dry plains containing loose dust particles on the surface. It also occurs in China. Referring to the occurrence of dust storm in China, Gou and Xie comments, â€Å"North-west China lies in the inner part of the Asia-Europe continent, the climate is dry and there are many winds and desert storms† (1619). But this dust storm in China is far more different from those in other parts of the world in terms of its threat to heal th. Researches show that the dust storms in China are more threatening to human health because of the industrial chemical pollutants they ferry, as referring to the threats posed by the Dust storm, Chiu and his co-authors note, â€Å"However, statistically significant associations were found between ADS events and hospital admissions for primary intra-cerebral hemorrhagic stroke† (778). Because of the recent rapid industrial growth, China is releasing more industrial pollutants to its environment than ever. Though natural particles such as sand, earth particles, etc are less harmful to human health, the industrial pollutants such as sulfuric components, industrial ashes, vehicular lead, carbon monoxide, mercury, Zinc, chromium, cadmium, arsenic, copper, etc are seriously injurious to health. In this regard, they say, â€Å"Many epidemiologic studies have provided evidence of an association between airborne particles and daily mortality†¦Fine particles typically contain a mixture of soot, acid condensates, and sulfate and nitrate particles. They are derived chiefly from combustion of fossil fuels† (Yang et al, 817). Scientists assert that naturally these components remain in composite forms which are not so much a threat to health. But due to the industrial growth of China, these carcinogenic materials are exhumed from the earth and used

Friday, November 1, 2019

VARK Learning Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

VARK Learning Styles - Essay Example From this discussion it is clear that  in reference to the VARK scores of the group, it is clear that my ideal and favorite learning techniques include visual and kinesthetic. In the visual assessment, I scored 25% as compared to the group/class score kinetic score was 25% as compared to the class score of 21%. The group on the other hand did well on audio and reading techniques. The group/class score in audio assessment was 46% as compared to my 31% score. In audio assessment, the groups cored 24% while I scored 19%. These score differences can be explained through Fleming’s findings.  According to the report  individuals who perform well in the visual assessment are known to prefer assessments or evaluations that include diagram, grids, tables, and pamphlets. Individuals who perform well in Kinesthetic have been observed to prefer assessments that include illustrations, models, laboratory tests, academic expeditions, like to experiment on new things, prefer inc orporation of their own logic and intelligence in learning.  Fleming’s findings showed that individuals who perform when presented with debates, arguments, tutorials, harangues, and dialogues.  These are characteristic of group techniques of erudition. Those individuals who perform well in reading and writing assessments fancy using references in-print, thesis, and instruction booklets, and prefer doing research through the internet.  ... In the visual assessment, I scored 25% as compared to the group/class score kinetic score was 25% as compared to the class score of 21%. The group on the other hand did well on audio and reading techniques. The group/class score in audio assessment was 46% as compared to my 31% score. In audio assessment, the groups cored 24% while I scored 19%. These score differences can be explained through Fleming’s findings. Individuals who perform well in the visual assessment are known to prefer assessments or evaluations that include diagram, grids, tables, and pamphlets. Individuals who perform well in Kinesthetic have been observed to prefer assessments that include illustrations, models, laboratory tests, academic expeditions, like to experiment on new things, prefer incorporation of their own logic and intelligence in learning. This explains why I did well in visual and kinesthetic. Results from Fleming’s study showed that individuals who perform when presented with debates, arguments, tutorials, harangues, and dialogues (Fleming and Bauma, 2006). These are characteristic of group techniques of erudition. Those individuals who perform well in reading and writing assessments fancy using references in-print, thesis, and instruction booklets, and prefer doing research through the internet. These techniques are easily and effectively accomplished as a group and that’s why the group performed well. Advantages and disadvantages of the different learning styles The main advantage of visual erudition is the fact that an individual is able to follow and grasp issues promptly. The disadvantage of this technique of learning is that some features and aspects of a certain topic