Sunday, June 2, 2019
Finding out the affect of different concentrations of sucrose solution
Finding out the act of different concentrations of sucrose etymonon the mass of white potato chipsIntroductionThe aim of this investigation is to see when osmosis occurs in potatocells and whether whatsoeverthing happens to them when they be put indifferent concentrations of sucrose solution. I have to apply mybackground knowledge to devise an experiment which will tell mewhether if different concentrations of water molecules in a solutionwill affect the mass of plant cell when they are put into it.Background knowledgeOsmosis is like diffusion but only of water molecules and it onlyhappens when there are different concentrations of water molecules oneither position of a selectively permeable membrane.The selectively permeable membrane gaps are only small sufficiency to letwater molecules commit through and not big molecules such as sucrosemolecules.Water molecules from each side of the membrane always pass to theother side. When one side of the selectively permeable membrane h as a high concentration of water molecules than the other, more watermolecules from the side containing a high concentration of watermolecules will pass through to the side with a humiliate concentration ofwater molecules. Less water molecules from the side with a lower watermolecule concentration will pass to the other side because there areless of them.If the concentration of water molecules on either side of theselectively membrane is the same then the pull in flow of water in eitherdirection will be the same. This results in no net flow ofwater-osmosis.An example of osmosis mishap in a plant cell is when a potato chipis put into distilled water. The cell membrane of the potato cells isthe selectively permeable membrane between the concentration of watermolecules at heart the potato cells and the distilled water that isoutside of the potato cells. As the concentration of water moleculesis of a higher concentration in the distilled water than inside thepotato, there are more water molecules going through the potatomembrane into the cell than water molecules from the inside of thepotato going through to the other side.This is because there are more water molecules in the distilled water.Therefore the net flow of water by osmosis is into the potato cells.As more water molecules pass into the potato cells, the va... ...Maybe next time I could roll each potato chip down thepaper towel once and blot the ends of them two times on the papertowel.To prove that my prediction is correct in any osmosis experiment, Icould do another experiment, which shows osmosis happening and why ithappens-different concentrations between a selectively permeablemembrane. The experiment is shown belowApparatus* 20cm in length visking tubing.* 20cm3 water* 10cm3 plastic syringe* testing tube-shaped structureMethodTie a knot at the end of 20cm length visking tube that has been soakedin water. Put 3cm3 of strong sugar solution in the plastic syringe anduse that to partly fill the v isking tube-it should be floppy. Placethe visking tubing into a test tube containing water 20cm3 . Leave thevisking tubing in the test tube for about 30-45 minutes.You should record your observations of the visking tubing before itwas put into the test tube of water and after it had been left in thewater. Look for any changes in how it looks and feels. Is it turgid orflaccid?ReferencesCollins GCSE total revision Science by Mike Smith and Chris SunleyGCSE Biology second edition by D.G. Mackean
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